Emily, Mr. Jones, and AdamMr. Jones and I invited Emily and Adam over for dinner last night, as kind of a last-dinner-at-home- for-quite-awhile type of thing. Since Adam likes roast beef, I cooked one up for him with carrots, onions and other good stuff. We had the usual mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables and rolls. It's not a real exciting menu, but I wanted to make a meal I knew Adam would enjoy. I don't think this is Emily's favorite meal, but she never complains.
Emily & Adam watching "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"
See Tommy on the back of the couch?
Whenever Adam and Emily come over, Tommy hangs around. He really likes Adam. He's kind of a scamp of a cat, an outdoor ruffian, and he likes how Adam roughs him up and isn't intimidated by him! He purrs sweetly and allows himself to be handled in the most undignified ways when Adam is around. Mr. Jones asked if they would like to take Tommy with them to Minnesota (hmm! is he trying to get rid of our cat?!), but they said no. Emily would like to get a calico kitten -- she is really more used to dogs than cats -- and she isn't terribly fond of Tommy (I can think of about 10 other people in our family who feel the same).
We will miss you, Adam & Emily!
Adam starts his job as an inside sales representative with EMERSON PROCESS CONTROL in Chanhassen, Minnesota, on Monday morning. This is a good opportunity for him because it is a job in his field of education with growth possibilities as well. Emily has her degree in cosmetology and will be seeking work as a beautician -- she is good at this and enjoys it very much.
Adam and Emily will be living in an apartment in Chaska, Minneapolis. They will be less than an hour away from The Mall of America but about 10 hours away from Grand Rapids. They tell us they will have a futon in their extra bedroom; so when we come to visit them, we will have a place! However, remember the definition of futon? It is Japanese for "unwanted house guest." We told them this, and they laughed and said they have an extra foam pad for the futon and it is especially comfortable.
We are sad they are moving so far away, but really excited for them too. We know they will come home often -- remember? We have a futon too!