Monday, March 28, 2022

March 26 Funny Faces

Saturday:  I'm just going to run these snapshots without much comment ... they are quite self-explanatory!

What a bunch of silly kiddos!

March 26 Pure JOY

Saturday, 3:30 - 7:00:  I left the "knotting" party and drove over to Dylan and Kelly's. You see, Dylan and Kelly are away (Dallas) until Sunday night (very late). Jen has been taking care of everyone in their absence. But it seems that dear Callaghan was just brokenhearted most of Friday at not being able to find his parents anywhere in the house. So the plan today was that I would come over for a few hours to try and be a distraction for these little loves. We had so much fun.

This is the new chair Kelly was able to purchase at a very reasonable price. The kiddos love it. I LOVE this picture of Aidan and Erin.
And look at this chunky marshmallow of a kiddo! Isn't he something?
Jen said Cal woke up this morning in a much better frame of mind! YAY! He is surrounded by siblings who love him and Jen is one of the nicest people I have ever met--she is quality through and through. No worries whatsoever when Jen is with the children.
Aidan was completely FULL OF IT the entire time I was there. He is such a blast. He loves to make faces at my camera. I've saved some of the funniest pictures for the next post.
!! This looks like a very happy baby!
Look at Cal looking at his hands. Aidan had been putting his hands over his own face so that I was blocked from taking his picture. Baby Cal is thinking about this ...
Look at this child's hair! There was a song about HAIR when I was in my teens ... I believe it was part of a musical entitled "HAIR!" I'll have to look up the words and play it for Aidan on Tuesday.

Isn't he a scream?
And ERIN ... what a complete love she is.

We tried to take some "selfies" but they did not turn out very well. Mostly because I look about 85 years old in the pictures and I refuse to post them! My neck! My wrinkles! OUCH.
Here are some of Brendan. I love these pictures of him.
Especially this one ... isn't he such a handsome child?
I love his smile so much ...
Miss Jen actually had the boldness to bathe the three little kids all at once in the upstairs tub. Brendan and I played a game of "Headbanz" while they were having their bath--but we could hear all that was going on in the bathroom. Miss Jen is AMAZING. All three kiddos got clean, had their hair washed, played in the water, and came out squeeky clean! Here is Erin with wet hair ...

Oh MY! Look how long Aidan's hair is when it is wet!
Erin with her sparkly tiarra ...

Just a few more ...

I brought three library books to read: "This Book is Red", "What About Worms?" and "The Chicken Who Couldn't". Everyone gathered around (even little Cal) and enjoyed them all. Miss Jen read a few books too--ones that Cal wanted her to read. She is an excellent reader. Hey--guess what? I found out that Miss Jen has begun teaching over at Marantha Bible Church in their Awana program! I told her that our Kaity attends. She is going to look for her on Wednesday and introduce herself. How cool is that?

Sunday, March 27, 2022

March 26 A Knotting Party

Saturday from Noon until 3:00:  One of the Monday Night Bible Study ladies (Beth) invited a group over to her house for a "knotting party", something I had never heard of! It seems that Beth is a quilter. She is a retired RN, her husband is a retired MD, and both are retired from missionary work in Nepal. She has taken up quilting in her spare time. I saw perhaps a dozen quilts that we were going to be "knotting" so that they can then be sent over to the Polish border for Ukrainian refugees.

There were actually three groups of ladies present: some of Beth's close neighbors, a woman's group from the church Beth attends, and then the MNBS ladies (4 of 9 were able to come). Beth served us delicious homemade soup for lunch with sandwiches and fresh fruit. Then we went downstairs to do the "knotting." Beth demonstrated what it was we were to do and then for the next two hours or so, we were able to finish several of her beautiful quilts. It was very, very fun to listen to all of the conversations among these women. I loved every minute of my time there. In the picture above, the woman in the green sweater (center) is Margaret. She is our Bible study facilitator and really one of the nicest people I have ever met. In the pink hoodie is Julie, who has recently returned from two months in Florida. We have missed her. She is such a fun person.

I was sad to find it was 3:00. The party was continuing until all of the quilts were knotted; but I had to leave in order to get over to Dylan and Kelly's to play with my little kiddos for a few hours.

March 24 with KT

Thursday:  Due to cold, windy, slushy weather Kaity and I were rather stuck INside today--but we made the best of it. Thankfully, Kaity was in the mood to play some games on the white board. She taught me a game they play in school, and it is a WORD game--shock!

Kaity brought over a brand new stuffed animal today by the name of OPAL and she joined the puppets as we played the game. The idea of the game is that one of the contestants turns their back and a word is written on the white board that they have to somehow guess. We had a lot of fun, laughed a LOT, and I was encouraged how much Kaity has learned about words and phonics this year in school!
Thankfully, Kaity wasn't too physically active today -- although you might ask why on earth she is sitting on top of my table instead of in a chair -- don't ask. We drew a bunch of pictures together and actually looked through one or two library books as well. The reason I am thankful Kaity was in a quieter attitude today is that I seem to be relapsing back into being sick ... I surely hope not!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

March 22 A great day!

Tuesday:  The kiddos were over today ... and look at the event we were treated to see CLOSE UP for about three hours! The tree trimming folk have been in my park the last few weeks trimming off dead or overhanging branches of the hundreds of beautiful trees we have here at the park. This tree is not on my "property" (lot) but does overhang my house, as well as my neighbor on the corner--in fact, she has complained about it during the last several years--concerned that a wind storm might cause one of those bigger branches to break and wreck her roof.

During the first hour or so of trimming, I wasn't one bit concerned that their goal was to remove the entire tree ... but then I noticed the workers wrapping the lower part of the tree with a rubber hose-like deal ... and then I began to really worry that they were going to remove this entire gorgeous tree! I said as much to the kids, with a very concerned voice. I told them I might even cry if they cut the whole tree down. Brendan did not like thinking about me crying, so he went to hide. I found him and reassured him that I would try to control myself if the worst happened. It was a very happy moment when the tree trimmers left and the tree was still in place! 
The little kids were very busy today. They are really so much fun. I'm so glad I have such nice toys and art supplies for everyone to enjoy.
We played a lot of memory games today ...

We worked on some "books" together ... Brendan was not too agreeable to having his picture taken today ...
... sorry buddy!
Erin suggested we all make our funniest faces and take a picture, but she is the only one who was willing to do that!
On our way out of the house, we walked around to the back/side of my house to inspect my tree. I am SO thankful it is still in place!
Mmmm ... I love this child so much. I could look at his face all day and just soak up his quietness and the beauty of his dear heart.
We drove back to their house and little Mr. Callaghan was there to greet us. These pictures show a lot of his personality ...
THIS look ... !!!
Mmm ... and this one!
Dylan played soccer with the boys for awhile ...
This little marshmallow may be the youngest in the household, but he is a true force to be reckoned with! He will be TWO in about 8 weeks. I think he is entering his 2's with a LOT of ... personality!

Isn't he a little doll?
Look how tired Erin is! Her pre-school class had a "pajama party" today! She was so happy to wear pj's all day. I would be too (and I often do!).
A typical picture of Aidan Paul ... speaking of someone to reckon with ... there are times when I do not know how Dylan and Kelly manage all of these kiddos 24/7. They do an amazing job, but they must be exhausted down to their toes.
Erin! Such a cutie.
Eating cinnamon toast before bedtime ...

THIS face (below) ... gah! What a kid.
Callaghan was "reading" some books while the other kids were busy finishing up their meal ...

I drove away tonight with such a full heart. God -- You have been so good to me, so good. Thank you so much for the gift of these dear little children.