Dylan and I and Shane left Grand Rapids at about 12:30 yesterday afternoon and drove to Detroit to meet my sister, Ruthanne, and her husband, Terry, who were so immensely kind as to treat all of us to a Tiger game. We met at their house, where we got to spend some time with my niece, Shelley, her husband, Bob, and my grand-nephew (who also happens to be their son), Matthew. It was so good to see them!

You would have thought that since I had my camera with me, I would have snapped some pictures of this most amazing brawl, but I was so caught up in it, that I didn't think to take any pictures of it! And just as the blue hat guy finally gave up, the crowd stood to their feet with wild screams and cheers ... and all of us were still focused on Terry on the ground gripping this baseball ... so we all totally missed Ryan Raburn slugging his first career grand-slam homerun!
[picture removed]
This picture of Dylan, Terry and Shane was taken shortly after this whole exciting incident with the ball. The Tigers were leading the Rockies 5 to 1 at this point (I think). I love to be at a ball game with Shane. He keeps up with our team really well and knows all of the important statistics and information about our players. If I had a question about what was going on, he knew the answer.
Our starting pitcher, Justin Verlander, stayed in the game until the sixth inning and then the Tiger coach took him out and put in relief pitcher, Todd Jones. The crowd didn't seem very happy with that decision, and Ruthanne reminded me that oftentimes the Tigers start out strong and end up losing the game because their relief pitchers aren't very good. This Todd Jones guy, though, had converted 19 consecutive save opportunities, so why worry? Oh my! My Mr. Jones (remember, he is from Ohio and has no loyalities to Michigan!) has a favorite saying about any Detroit team, whether it is baseball or football. He says they, like no other teams, can "snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory." This poor Todd Jones fellow had a bad ninth inning and Colorado, who had never had the lead throughout the entire game, was suddenly ahead 6 to 5! Jones was taken out of the game admidst very loud boos from the crowd ~ poor guy! And then it began to rain! Could such a perfect evening come to such a bad end?!!!!
Absolutely NOT! Thankfully, it rained only briefly, and Todd Jones was rescued by Miguel Cabrera, whose one-out double in the bottom of the ninth inning scored two runs. (I'm cheating ... I have the Grand Rapids Press article in front of me, so that I could tell you these interesting details!) What a great game. I screamed so loud when Cabrera hit that ball, that I hardly have a voice today! Poor Ruthanne was standing right next to me, and already had an earache to begin with!
We stayed and enjoyed fabulous fireworks following the game. They were SO beautiful and SO loud!

What a game! It was great to be with Ruthanne and Terry. Ruthanne was quite sick with a cold, and I felt badly for her but I think she enjoyed the game as much as she possibly could. Dylan, Shane and I left Detroit at about 11:30 last night and drove on home. We stopped in Brighton to "wake up", catch a bite, and then had a safe and very uneventful drive back to Grand Rapids. I can't remember a nicer time spent with everyone. As I dove into bed at 3:15 this morning, I was just so thankful for this truly wonderful day!