From the very start, you were a contented and quiet baby. By the time you were about eight weeks, you were sleeping a 12-hour night with NO interruptions. Once weaned, you were a voracious eater of anything we put before you … until you turned 18 months and then absolutely refused to eat anything at all! You loved being confined to what we used to call a “play pen”, although they have a nicer name for it nowadays (“play yard”) where if you had one or two toys to play with, you were content for an hour at a time. As a toddler, you went to sleep at night with a smile and woke up in the morning making happy noises and talking like crazy to yourself. You crawled at six months, but were not a bit interested in walking until 15 months! I know these are weird details, but these are the kinds of things a mother remembers …
We lost you once when you were just about four … downtown Detroit (yikes!)… at a place called Trapper’s Alley, a converted warehouse turned into a multi-level cool shopping place (I don’t think it’s there anymore). Your brothers and I were shopping around with your Aunt Ruthanne and Uncle Terry. I thought Uncle Terry had you, and Uncle Terry thought I had you … and neither of us did! I think I lost five years off my life until we located you standing in the corner of a clothing store (where we had left you ~ two levels down, and 10 minutes prior), very quietly (and calmly!) waiting for us to return.
That was all a very long time ago. After a lot of schooling, you’ve now graduated from college, headed for seminary … moving out for good in just a few days. Your life’s journey is taking you places I did not envision for you … but then, I’m not in charge … and we’re turning another page in our story. You have always been a contented person, eager to serve others and follow after God. I pray the Lord will continue to lead you and guide you and have His way in your life. You have always been a blessing in mine.
With much love on your birthday, Dylan.