I would like to try to write a tribute for my step-dad, Roy Cook. I took this picture of him at Dylan's graduation from college back in 2009. I love this picture of him because it is so exactly LIKE him ... sweet, kind, honest, wonderful, true. Would you believe that he was 89 in this picture? He never looked his age or acted it either! I think he was a very handsome man, inside and out.
My mom and Roy were married in 2007 and had four healthy years together before this last kind-of rough year. My mom says she has never been loved like this by anyone in her life. I am so glad that she got to have these years with this sweet man.
I can't seem to find any pictures of Roy and my mother together. I have a bunch of them on this computer somewhere, but I cannot locate them at this moment. So ... I give up!
At Roy's funeral last Tuesday, his son David gave the most beautiful eulogy I have ever heard. It was so honoring to his dad's memory and gave all the glory and praise to the Lord, who gave His life for all of us.
Roy's son, David, and Roy (2008)
When I think of Roy, I always call him "Cookie." This was a nickname
given to him long ago by his friends. The name just seemed to fit him so
perfectly, that I always referred to him (when talking to my family and
friends) that way. I never called him "Cookie" to his face, although I
don't think he really would have minded it because he was a humble man.
Truly humble. I loved this about him.
Cookie always had a good story to tell about days long ago and I loved to listen to him, even if he had already told me the same story many times over. He was a very interesting man and had a wonderful sense of humor. Whenever I would ask him how he was doing, this was his response: "I'm able to sit up and take nourishment." I don't know why, but that always made me laugh. I also loved to hear him pray: "We come to you, Lord, in the noon hour of this day to give You thanks ..."
Roy used to plant and harvest an abundance of tomatoes each summer. He had a way with plants and flowers. He just seemed to ... understand them! The entire back yard of their house was a garden, full of the most beautiful wild flowers, rose bushes, birch trees, and bird feeders too.
The front yard of Roy and mom's house (2008)
I am happy that I got to be Roy's step-daughter, even if it was only for five years. He was a man of deep faith and personal integrity. I know that he is with the Lord, more alive than he has ever been ... but we will miss him very much, we who are still on this earth. My mother is mourning this loss and I am sad for her. But I am not sad one single bit for Cookie. We will joyfully meet again ...