It's a good thing no one in the world actually reads this blog except ME … because there certainly is a LOT of repetition in these posts lately! But since I am using this as my very own personal photo journal, it really doesn't matter if this is interesting to anyone else in the entire world!
I didn't take one single picture Friday night. Jesse delivered the children to me (very kind of him) after school Friday, and we had our usual busy time together. Sadly, on his way home, Jesse had an accident with their truck via black ice and an icy snowbank that damaged their vehicle. Thankfully, no one was injured and no other vehicles were involved.
Our weekend Bible story was about Hannah and Samuel, but also about Eli and his wicked sons, Hophni and Phinehas. There was a LOT to talk about in these stories and as the children colored, I taught. We had a very enjoyable story time and hopefully learned about how kindly God answers our prayers, but also how serious God is about punishing sin.
I went to the library earlier in the week and was excited that I could check out the movie, "Brave." None of us had seen the movie when it was showing in the theaters and we felt kind of jipped out about it. However, after now seeing the movie, all of us (!) decided we didn't really like it and that it was far too scary. I was pretty disappointed about it! I should know better by now than to show a movie to the children that I haven't seen myself first.
Saturday was at least warm enough to venture outside. Aunt Kelly was kind enough to loan us her two plastic sleds and we had no end of fun with them as seen in the following pictures ...
This happy activity lasted for quite some time … their enthusiasm was wonderful throughout!
I love your beautiful smile, Emma Joy! |
Earlier in the day, we had watched a short video on Youtube about three deer who were rescued from a small frozen lake … they had somehow gotten out in the middle of the lake, slipped and fallen, and could NOT get back up to go back to shore. The children were fascinated with the rescue process (two guys on a hovercraft!), and Christopher decided to pretend he was a stranded deer needing rescue … right on my front ice-covered driveway ...
Emma rescued him on her sled after tying his legs up with the rope and dragging him several feet ~ but I neglected to get a picture of that. I think I was laughing too hard to think about my camera.
After we were sufficiently frozen, we reluctantly came back inside. We tossed all of our wet stuff into the dryer and got busy with our usual indoor activities.
Ever since reading Mo Willems' "Don't Let the Pigeon on the Bus!" the boys have been making their own pigeon books. They draw perfect Mo Willems pigeons and make up the cutest stories!
While the boys were making their books, Emma and I worked on our "All About Spelling" lessons. We had a good time and I felt we made progress this week!
Being a grandma is … so wonderful … much more fun than being a parent! For example, after our scrambled egg, hashed brown and sausage dinner, the kiddos enjoyed a small strawberry sundae (with yummy whipped cream) AND they also got to have a root beer float! Originally, I had given them the choice of one or the other dessert; but Christopher had never tasted either one and couldn't decide! So we decided to make the sundaes kind of little ones so that there would be room in their stomachs for a root beer float as well. As a mother, I never would have done this! The joys of grandparenting!