It's been a super weird winter here in West Michigan. It had been predicted to be a cold and snowy winter, but it certainly has not lived up to that--at least not in my opinion. We have had SOME snow, and sometimes it added up to 10" but the most it ever stuck around was two weeks. Here it is the middle of February, and we barely have any snow at all!
We drove over to Cannonsburg (naturally) because it is close-by and has smaller hills ... and a beautiful creek, etc.
Kaity was "game" for this snow adventure. She loved every minute outside. I bundled her up like a mummy just to be sure she would not be chilled. She is still recovering from a head cold.
We had a great time together. I love being with this little pixy. She is delightful in so many ways.
I've been trying to teach Kaity about God ... starting with the basics, i.e. telling her that God made her, that God made the trees, that God made the flowers, etc. I thought I had been making pretty good progress until the following conversation:
Me: So, Kaity-girl, who made all this beautiful snow?
Kaity: God did, grandma!
(Me, smiling to myself, at how wonderful it was that
Kaity could answer that question with such confidence)
We walked along for a little bit and then this ...
Kaity: I met God once, Grandma.
Me (dumbfounded): How did that happen, Kaity?
Kaity: Well, he lives at my grandpa's house.
He didn't have no where to live so ...
(she shrugged her shoulders) so... he lives
with my grandpa!
Me: No words. I gave her head a little pat
and we continued our walk.
It really was a perfect afternoon to be outside. There was no wind whatsoever. All was quiet. So peaceful.Dear Kaity. You are such a sweetheart. I love sharing life with you, dear!
I pushed Kaity on this bench swing for a little while, and then she found the highest hill to climb. She made it to the top, I brought the sled around and DOWN she went!
LOVE you, sweet Kaity!