The Luncheon:
I would have been very content to just sneak out the back door and quietly disappear from RVO with hugs all around...but there was a nice retirement luncheon for me complete with chicken salad croissants, yummy baked beans, all manner of chips and dips and veggies, and a cake that was as delicious as it was beautiful. I want to show you pictures of these fine folk I have worked with, some for a only a short time, but many for the entire span of my work years with the docs. I have been honored to work with all of these people! Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting -- my absolute favorite!
Mr. Jones has not forgiven me for not bringing him a piece home. Wasn't it so pretty?
Peg (who has worked for the docs for 30+ yrs)
Teresa, Laura and Judi (also 30 yrs ?) Sonja, Mary, Mary L
and the backs of Pamela and KarenSame group, different angle
Sara, Teresa, Claire, Peg, Laura, Judi
and Cheryl (former RVO long-timer) The very edge of Deb, then Emma, Linda and Connie
Connie and Loretta (Transcription cohorts!)
I received a digital video camera from RVO!
It does a whole host of amazing stuff
that will probably take me the rest of my life
to figure out -- but I am SO pleased! This gift is from all of the staff at RVO
They pooled their resources, went to Family Christian Stores
and picked this out for me -- PLUS a $75 gift card!
I did not expect this for even one minute!
After opening this so beautiful 20 x 24 picture
I couldn't even speak ...
I'm going to hang it in our family room
Everytime I look at it (every day)
I will remember these wonderful friends ...

Can you see what this says?
I tried to zoom in on it, but I still can't read it so --
"Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD;
point out the right road for me to follow.
Lead me by your truth and teach me,
for you are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you."
PSALM 25:4-5
Isn't that awesome?
The exact prayer of my heart! :)
Would you like to see some of the other gifts I received?
The beaded utensils were made by Dr. Dale's wife, Connie
(what a teasure!)
The necklace was made by Mary L -- I LOVE it!
I also received a beautiful Willow Tree
nativity ornament from Judi (not pictured),
a huge bag of peanut M & M's (!) from Cheryl
and so many cards with kind words and well wishes ...
in a nice sort of way!
Last Days at RVO:
I had my camera with me all week and so I took the opportunity to snap some pictures of these great people I have been privileged to work with ... This is Melanie just a day or two before she delivered
William Brady -- he will be called Brady
He is beautiful, Melanie! This is Roni at check-in
Our greeter, Teresa -- but she is so much more than that!
This is Susan!
And Diana!
And Loree!
This is Laura, surgical scheduler!
Nurse John, who should have been a doc
but is the very best nurse ever ... This is Cheryl who schedules and checks-out
Nurse John with Terri, Teresa and Missy
This is our very own nurse Keith!
Pamela and Wendi in Medical Records
Greg and Jayna, who worked closely with Dylan this summer
Nurse Lynn in Triage!
Mary L who handles referrals and a ton of other stuff ...

and some on the 5th floor of this building ...

I turned around and there on the fifth floor were the girls,
faces pressed against the windows, waving me farewell!
(I completely botched that picture) --
I laughed and waved back.
Nice way to end the day, don't you think?
Wonderful memories of wonderful people!