This is the store where Nick is presently assistant manager ...
He is actually the "acting" manager because the actual manager
is being treated for cancer, and so she isn't able to work.
He is actually the "acting" manager because the actual manager
is being treated for cancer, and so she isn't able to work.
Mr. Jones and I were going to be taking care of the
grandkids "on our own" for a little while today ...
Nick and Rachel were only gone for a few hours.
grandkids "on our own" for a little while today ...
Nick and Rachel were only gone for a few hours.
Just in case you forgot how beautiful
here are a few more pictures of her ...
here are a few more pictures of her ...
and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous ...
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in Your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."
PSALM 139:13-16
for Nathan's birthday that will match what he has already.
so low it wouldn't make any sound!
So grandpa went outside to the van and found some extra
batteries and replaced the ones that were worn out --
wouldn't you know? Nick and Rachel
So grandpa went outside to the van and found some extra
batteries and replaced the ones that were worn out --
wouldn't you know? Nick and Rachel
wanted those batteries
to run out! The sound was a little obnoxious ... sorry guys.
This is Nathan looking like he is ready for nap time ...
to run out! The sound was a little obnoxious ... sorry guys.
he was growling at himself in the mirror ...
We quietly opened his door,
and there he was --
and there he was --
just laying there singing! How sweet!
with our little star, Nathan, on it!
Rachel found a site on-line that made these
Rachel found a site on-line that made these
-- they are official U.S. stamps.
She ordered a sheet of them and uses them
for special occasions!
I would like a sheet of them
for special occasions!
I would like a sheet of them
with each grandchild's picture!
I might do that in the future ...
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