It has been 25 degrees above the normal average temperature here in Grand Rapids for most of October. It reached 88 degrees here yesterday with high humidity! I usually love October because it is FALL! It doesn't feel like autumn at all ... more like a mixed-up endless summer! I shouldn't complain ...
But because of the heat, I have been less productive than I thought I would be these past few days and I am bothered by it. I am retired, but I certainly don't want to become fat, lazy, boring, and good for nothing! All of you know how terribly hot our house gets ... I am so looking forward to the cold front that is supposed to move through here tonight. I hope tomorrow I have more energy!
I did get up early this morning and take a walk. This is good. I need to get in shape! And I joined an exercise class that meets at Calvary Church in the gymnasium on Wednesday mornings. My friend, Angela (from Germany), is one of the instructors. I'm looking forward to the class very much.
I also went to evening church last night, which is a first for me in quite a long time. Pastor is doing a four-week series on how to study the Bible. I missed the first two weeks because of being out of town, but last night was so excellent! I'm going to order the series on CD so that I can listen and really learn (hopefully).
Saturday I had a good time studying the Gospel of Mark with one my close friends. She has so many questions, and it is such a challenge for me as we seek the Lord for answers. We only meet once a month, so we have a lot of time to study and prepare. We are using Dr. John MacArthur's Study Guide to help keep us focused on Mark instead of "getting off the subject."
I've been working on editing our vacation pictures. There are so many, almost 3,000! I love this picture of the summit at Pike's Peak. I was reading in Amos yesterday morning and thought this picture illustrated this verse so well!
"...the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains,
stirs up the winds,
and reveals his every thought.
He turns the light of dawn into darkness
and treads the mountains under his feet.
The LORD Almighty is his name!" Amos 4:13
We certainly have a powerful and mighty God. I'm so thankful that He isn't silent ... He isn't far away ... He is Immanuel -- GOD WITH US! Ah ... I hear rain! And I feel a cool breeze! Wonderful!
The picture does fit the verse very well. I hope that the cold front arrives for you soon too. I wish we could have on arrive here but I am still months away from that I think. ;) I will pray that you have more energy tomorrow!
It's cold here! It's in the 50s this week. Brrr. I'll try sending it your way!
It's MUCH cooler today, beautiful clear blue sky -- and I DO have much more energy! Thanks for your prayers! :) Oh ... and I don't exactly want it to be COLD yet, so don't send the Brrr's over here yet, Emily! :)
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