Three years ago, we were all gathered over at Kentwood Community Church to see Nicolas and Rachel get married. I do not have many pictures of that happy day, and I feel badly about it; however, I didn't own a digital camera at the time and I wasn't very good with the really nice camera Sabrina had given to me. But at least from this picture you can see how really pretty Rachel looked on her wedding day ... The happy couple after being pronounced husband and wife ...
This is the only other picture I have of Nick and Rachel from their wedding. It's a nice picture, though, and I'm glad I have it! Since their wedding was so close to Christmas (AND on Nick's birthday!) they didn't leave for their honeymoon until after the holidays; but then they went on a cruise. That first year, they lived in Rockford in a house that Nick was fixing up. It was nice to have them so close by. And ten months after they married, Nathan was born! I think we were all in shock about that for awhile; but hey -- that's what happens when you go on a romantic cruise on your honeymoon ... and, of course, Nathan is a treasure. After that first year, they moved down to Kalamazoo so that Nick could advance his career at Starbuck's. Kalamazoo was only an hour away from us; and even that seemed kind of far away! I should know by now NOT to complain about little things like 50 miles distance -- because this past February, they moved 1300 miles away to Houston! There was a good opportunity for advancement at Starbuck's, and so they hitched up the truck and away they went -- right after announcing to us that they were going to have another baby. Our grandparent hearts were NOT happy ... Nathan, Nicolas, Rachel and Queen Nia
@ KEMAH (September 07)
Old McDonald's Farm (September 07)
promotion as a Starbuck's manager ...
Don't you think they packed a lot into their first three years of their marriage? I'm glad they are young, because it would make ME dizzy!! We love you, Nick and Rachel, and congratulate you on this your third anniversary.
". . . continue to love one another,
for love comes from God.
Anyone who loves is born of God and knows God ...
God showed how much he loved us
by sending his only Son into the world
so that we might have eternal life through him.
This is REAL love.
It is not that we loved God,
but that he loved us
and sent his Son as a sacrifice
to take away our sins . . .
since God loved us that much,
we surely ought to love each other. . .
if we love each other, God lives in us,
and his love has been brought to full expression
through us!"
I JOHN 4:7-12
1 comment:
Happy Anniversary you guys! Your wedding pictures are so beautiful and I love seeing how much you shined on your wedding day and how you still shine today Rachel. Some brides lose that but you haven't and it makes me happy to see how much you love my brother. I love you both and can't wait to see you all and finally meet little Nia next week.
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