It's been a good week here in Grand Rabbits (!). I've been slowly recovering from this horrid cold, so I've been more home-based than normal. I took the opportunity to completely undecorate the house (which is not nearly as fun as the decorating) as well as attempting to eat each and every cookie remaining ... that way, temptation being out of the way, I can seriously get back to more healthy living ...
New Year's Eve was spent getting ready for the party we were planning to attend that night. I had signed up to bring a dessert and decided to bring Earthquake Cake, which is a real ugly but very delicious rendition of a German Chocolate cake. If you'd like, I'll share the recipe sometime. We received a call from Nicolas in the morning asking if we could take care of Nia and Nathan for a little while.
Doesn't she look sweet sleeping?
Nathan was very happy to chase
Thomas K. around our place
and play trains with Grandpa ...
It was nice to see them one last time before they returned to Houston. The time always goes by too quickly and there are so many miles between us.
The New Year's Eve party was a LOGOS class event and was held at our friend's, Bob and Kay. They only live about 15 minutes away from us. Almost everyone from class was able to attend. We had so much food and so much fun.
I was still very much down with this cold and told Mr. Jones there was no way I would stay very late. However, we got playing a game called, "Catch Phrase" and it was so hilarious that we just kept playing it over and over again. Team One (my team) won 5 games to 3 (if I remember correctly).
You can learn a lot about folk playing this kind of game when everyone gets all competitive and crazy. It was great fun. Then we put on our top hats and watched the ball drop in Time's Square.
We brought in the New Year praying around the circle for different requests and needs that were presented. I love this group of friends. Mr. Jones and I didn't get home until nearly 1:00 a.m.! And today, I did something I haven't done for a really long time ~ I went to a college basketball game. Dylan invited me to see the Kuyper Cougars take on Cincinnati Christian University.
The Cougars started out really slow and were down 13 to 2 early on. It didn't take me very long to get in on the cheering ~ you know, the yelling and screaming and jumping ~ all of that good stuff!
I really enjoy a good sports event and usually really get into it. Dylan knew this about me already, so I knew I wouldn't embarrass him. The home crowd was really charged up. It was close to half time before Kuyper closed the gap and tied the game up at 40/40. They went on to win the game 92 to 88! I was pretty well screamed out by the end of the game but was complimented by several of Dylan's friends for my enthusiastic cheering and invited to attend future games! They play Grace Bible here in town on the 15th ~ I think I'll plan to go!
Go Cougars!!
Go Cougars indeed!
Thanks again for lunch! Come back again when we're all on campus!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
I see you've put up new music!
Finally got an internet connection with Andrews computer! I'll call you tomorrow again- sorry I didn't call back yesterday if you read my post you'll know why. Love ya mom!
Oh- and you'd never embarrass me at a sporting event- I'd be yelling right there with ya! Love ya!
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