My prayer for Dylan: "I pray that God will give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your life, and I ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others. All the while, you will learn to know God better and better." Colossians 1:9-10 NLB
I returned home from the shower at about 8:30. My eye felt nasty, but I didn't want to mess around with it anymore, so I went to bed by about 10:00. When I woke up at three in the morning, I could hardly open that eye. I looked at myself in the mirror and honestly! It looked like someone punched me hard in the eye. The swelling was pretty grotesque and my whole face was lopsided. Once it was actually really morning, I called my doctor's office and they said they could see me. I went in, the doctor did a lot of probing around in my eye, took an instrument and pulled my eyelid around and turned it inside-out (gross!) and found the little seedling way back behind my upper eyelid and removed it! He looked at it under a magnifying glass and told me it had little prongs on it! Whew. I thought my misery was over until he said he thought he should check the eye further for cornea damage or infection. Thankfully, there was no scratch on my cornea ... but he seemed pretty convinced of infection, which he attributed to my rather careless and aggressive eye rubbing. He prescribed a Prednisone dospak and an anointment that was unbelievably expensive for a teensy tiny tube ... I made the Pharmacist call the doctor back and prescribe something a bit more reasonable for my meager budget. I read all of the possible side-effects of using Prednisone (all of them very scary) and started my medication regimen immediately.
Out of the TONS of side-effects listed for Prednisone use, I only ended up with the severe headache, joint-muscle-and-bone pain ... not too terrible for the lengthy and life-threatening list on the medication sheet! But having broken my tail bone twice in my life, I am having pain there in the extreme right now and feel like a victim of a train wreck (are you crying for me yet?) The prognosis is good: I will live.
My eye is doing better today. I wore sunglasses to church and explained to all of my three-year-olds (when asked WHY I was wearing sunglasses at church!) that I had a bad "owie" in my eye. They were very sympathetic (as only three-year-olds can be). They promptly showed me each and every "owie" on their small bodies and received MUCH empathy from their teacher.
End of sad story.
I've added your "Superman" song to my playlist and bumped it to first place today in honor of your birthday. You have always been a lover of good music and this is a good song!
I am trusting in the LORD, the One who made you, to take care of you, soldier-boy, and am daily praying for you!