When I was a young girl, I often wanted to fly ... but not on an airplane. I would watch the graceful soaring of the birds and just wanted to experience ... gliding through the air!
Tonight if I could, I would first of all fly down to El Paso and gather Diana and Emma, Christopher and Matthew under my wings and just hold them for a very long time ... and then after a little while (days), I would take to the air and go all the way around the world to see my soldier boy ...
I can imagine it's been a hard day for Diana and the children. It's been difficult for me too. I'm so thankful for the Psalms when my heart aches. Listen to some of Psalm 91 ~
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare of the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I am trusting Him ...

His faithful promises are your armor and protection ...
If you make the LORD your refuge,
if you make the Most High your shelter,
no evil will conquer you ...
for He orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.
The LORD says, 'I will rescue those who love me.
I will protect those who trust in my name.'"
I talked to Jesse last night. It was nice to hear his kind voice one more time before he had to return to Iraq. I'm going to make his birthday card tonight, which will make me feel closer to him somehow. It feels very sad not to have seen him while he was here in the states. If any of you would like to send him a card (his birthday is next week), and you don't have his address, just e-mail me and I'll send it on to you.
I'm trusting the LORD to take care of him and give strength to Diana. I know they would appreciate our prayers ...
Hi Carol: Diana said you posted
something on your blog, so Larry and
I wanted to say what a very nice
blog it is and we know so very much
how you feel. It's now been a year
since we have hugged any of them in
person, and we miss those hugs so
much. We thank God that he has his
loving arms around all of them, and
that is our comfort. With love,
Larry & Judy Hand
Hi Carol, I would like to send Jesse a card for his birthday. Can you send me the address? You seem so sad today - I wish I could hug you! Love you!
Heres a hug to you Mom!!!!!!!! Thanks for the reminder of the upcoming birthday- I'll make one and mail it this weekend! I think I have the current address for him.
Hi Larry and Judy! An entire year without seeing and hugging your daughter and grandchildren is an unbelievably sad and long time ... perhaps we can put our heads together and see if we can bring them "home" for a few weeks after school gets out ... we could share them between our houses, give Diana a little rest, play with the children, do a bunch of fun stuff ... it would mean so much to have them here for even a little while. I'll give you kind folk a call next week.
Hi Ruthanne! I sent you Jesse's address this morning. Thanks for your love and hugs too.
Hi Bree! Jesse would love one of your beautiful cards! :)
a dear friend of mine just left again for Afghanistan on Tuesday. He has been gone on and off for about two years and I haven't seen him since he left the frist time after training. He came back last week for a few days before leaving on Tuesday. He will be gone for 12 months. I miss him very much.
I kinda understand how you feel. Making a card for him will make you feel better and closer to him somehow. Please do it and spend a lot of time on it.
God Bless, Take care.
-Jessie Timmer
P.S. I've always wanted to grow wings and fly too.
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