On our way home from church Sunday morning, we were driving down Samrick and about a dozen wild turkeys were crossing the street in front of us ... but did I have my camera? No!
So I quickly ran into the house, grabbed my camera, and ran back up the street to take pictures of wild turkey ~ but not a single one of them stuck around for a photo op!
So instead, I photographed these beautiful flowers ... so full of life, bursting with color! I love them all!
God said, "Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. The seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came." And it was so. The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind. AND GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD. Genesis 1:11-12
I spent more time this week over at Nana's, attempting to teach her how to use her computer. We had about a six-hour session yesterday! Both Nana and I did very well I think. Neither of us lost our mind, and I think progress was made! It's been 60 years since my mom has done any typing at all ... so I admire her courage to give this a try. It's going to be slow-going, though, and I only hope she is patient enough to see it through.
I also got introduced to Facebook this week and actually opened an account. I've been avoiding doing that for a long time because I KNEW I would feel overwhelmed ... and I do! I really have only one goal in mind with this Facebook stuff, though, and that is to get back in touch with my dear cousins who live all over the country. It's been really really fun so far to hear from them, see pictures of their families, and enter into their lives just a little bit. Another HUGE benefit from Facebook is that I can actually talk to Jesse almost every day. He regularly checks his account there and we've been leaving each other short daily messages. I can't describe to you how comforting it is to just hear a word from him!
Our fall church schedule has resumed and is in full swing over at church where I volunteer with 3-year-olds, both on Sunday and Tuesday mornings ~ and this week, also Thursday morning! I've dragged Mr. Jones into this worthy endeavor, dropping him off at the nursery, where he is 100% happy cuddling babies. I have been impressed by the Lord, though, that He wants me to be AVAILABLE to serve Him. It's really not so much about my ABILITY as it is about my AVAILABILITY ~ and then trusting Him for strength and wisdom to carry out whatever job He gives me to do.
"God made the earth by his power and he preserves it by his wisdom. He has stretched out the heavens by his understanding. He is the creator of everything that exists ... the LORD Almighty is his name!" Jeremiah 10:12 and 16
I've been editing photographs and designing cards all week, as well as planning our trip to Texas (we leave in just three weeks!). Tonight, I'm invited over to a friend's house to hear about some medical products she is selling, and Saturday night is Super Saturday, working with five-year-olds.
I told you this was going to be a rambling kind of post ... so consider yourself all caught up with our lives here at the Jones Junction. I told you there really was NO news! Talk to you soon ...
I like the rogue zinnia! :)
I love the flower in the sidewalk! I wouldn't have pulled it either--sure, it's a little off (or on, i guess) the beaten path--but there is something rebellious and brave about it!
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