What we did today ...
I didn't think I took that many pictures today ... but it turns out I did! I'm SO thankful for digital photography ~ otherwise, I would be BROKE! Nathan and Nia came over to play today and we had so much fun.
Nathan just turned three at the beginning of October, and he really really likes to have control over his play environment ... and he is very methodical and orderly! See how he is lining up all of the trains on the rug?
Thankfully, Nia Madelynn was very happy to stay put on the couch. We just kept giving her new and interesting toys to look at. Sometimes I think we have an outrageous number of toys around here ... but they sure come in handy in a pinch!
We got the alphabet blocks out and did Nathan's name, but he really wasn't very interested in that. He just wanted to line all the blocks up in very neat and perfect rows! And then he stacked them up ... very neatly, and in perfect rows! He has a real steady hand and a great eye for balance and symmetry.
Grandpa enjoyed Queenie staying close to him. She is just as sweet as she can be!
We looked at quite a few books, both upstairs and in the playroom downstairs today. I was impressed with Nathan's attention span. For a just-turned three-year-old, he really sits quiet and still for a good story! He went through this animal book and could name every single animal. He was so excited to find Shamu (the whale) too! He could make a pretty decent dolphin sound as well. I guess all of those days at the zoo and at Sea World have been to good benefit!
We did a little bit of coloring, but mostly Nathan wanted ME to color, with him dictating just exactly how it should be done!
Meanwhile, outside, we were getting our first accumulating snowfall of the season ... three days before Thanksgiving! That's been the norm around here for the last few years. I hope it stays around at least long enough for Christmas.
Nia seemed to really enjoy playing this shape ball with Grandpa Jones. When my boys were little, this was one of the first toys we ever had for them.
Nia will be 15 months on Thanksgiving Day. She is at a really sweet little age. She has the cutest laugh and the most alluring dimples! She took a 3-hour nap today, which gave us a lot of 1-on-1 time with Nathan Paul.
Downstairs in the playroom, Nathan got right to work making a very elaborate something ... I didn't know what it was, so I asked him what it was he was making. "I'm making a boat, Granny! See it?"
Boo bear took a nap with some of the other animals. I told Nathan that Boo Bear was a very good bear today ... but Nathan didn't agree! "No, Granny, Boo is NOT a bear. He is Boo!"
Nathan lined up all 39 Matchbox cars ... in a nice neat row on the rug. I built him a wooden road with a few towers and tunnels.
Here is Nathan having a conversation with these trucks. Actually, the TRUCKS were having the conversation. The blue one ... see it? Nathan had a special voice for this truck and it kept saying to the other trucks, "Hi. I'm a silly truck ... but I can't fly!" On the top of the blue truck, there is a little radar antenae that you can kind of spin around ... I think Nathan mistook it for a propellar of some sort.
We WOKE Nia up from her nap. Look how rested she looks! She was very content all day, just to hang out with us old folk. She really wasn't a bother at all! She seemed fascinated with the snow, which had continued to fall while she was sleeping.
Nia stood by the doorwall in the family room watching the snow come down ... isn't she precious?
normally the trucks/cars are at a restaurant, and they will order hot coca or coke with a straw, but he normally has long conservations between the cars. oh and did boo need a diaper change at your house??? if not you should ask him if boo needs a diaper a few time to hear him change the diaper...it's pretty funny
Your post made me laugh because it was so typical: Nathan lining up the toys, forcing the adult to do the coloring, giving everything imaginable a 'voice', etc. And Nia takes it all in stride...content, for the most part, to watch or do her own thing. Oh! My house seems SO quiet without them!
I'll have to try the diaper and Boo thing next time Nathan is over. He is SO serious about all of this stuff! :)
That last picture of Nia is the most precious thing I have ever seen!
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