Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Our Family Tree!

Christmas carols have been playing all day long at our house and I have been decorating like crazy! There is a fresh pure white blanket of snow everywhere, and I'm just loving every minute of getting ready for Christmas!
Today, I had a couple of goals that HAD to get accomplished! One of them was our Family Tree. I love this little tree so much. I purchased a tiny tree four Christmases ago to put in our dining room, and decided it would be just for FAMILY ... it's been a lot of fun decorating it every year. In 2005, we had five grandchildren: Olivia, Emma, Christopher, Jackson, and Nathan! [Oops ... I've been corrected ~ we had SIX grandchildren during Christmas of 2005 ~ Matthew was born in April and that's the picture I am missing of him! See below. It gets confusing with all of these beautiful children and it's hard to keep them straight!]
I looked everywhere for name ornaments and when I couldn't find the name, I just wrote it on myself! Names nowadays are not the easiest to run across ... I finally found a little snow guy that said "Sabrina", but only after I had already written her name on another ornament!

I also got little picture frame ornaments and used them just for grandchildren pictures. It's fun to look back on these four Christmases to see how the children have changed ... and to add a few more picture frames to our collection!
Nathan was just a newborn in this first Christmas picture!
And look at Nia last Christmas! I certainly didn't think she would be a BIG sister THIS Christmas!
And Jackson was only six months in this first picture! Isn't it fun to see how they've changed and grown?
I'm missing the first picture of Livie and can't find it anywhere! :(
This first picture of Karis is her ultrasound picture ... I actually had this picture framed and hanging our little tree, Christmas 2004 ~ she was born two months later.
Ems was three in this first picture. Look at her now ~ such a little lady!
And Christopher! How big you have grown!
I'm missing a picture of Matthew as well, because I should have four of him!
Even little Lottie has a picture for her frame ... we never even gave her a thought last year!
Aren't the birdhouses so cute that Rachel made for us last year? Each family unit is represented by a birdhouse ... so perfect for this little tree! See the bugle frame underneath the tree? I wonder WHO will fill this little frame ... not that we are in any hurry for grandbaby #10 ... honest!


Ruthanne said...

Your tree is a wonderful idea. I love it! It is nice to have family traditions like that. I am bad about that - I need to think of some now that I am about to have my third grandchild. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm SURE you're not waiting for # 10. I'm kidding! Nice tree!

Diana said...

You had 6 grandkids in 2005. Matthew is exactly 6 months older then Nathan.

Mom Jones said...

Hi Diana! I had a hard time counting up grandkids in this post because I kept getting confused which year I started the little family tree ... thanks for the correction ... I hate inaccurate postings!