Yesterday, my camera and I went for a little drive. It's been cold and snowy with very gray skies in West Michigan for a long time. In December, we only received 5% of our possible sunshine! Usually, I don't mind this so much ... it's kind of like living in a black and white world; and I really like black and white! But I'm beginning to kind of miss the sun. Today, I sat at my computer for over an hour editing my October pictures from Padre Island with the pounding waves, brilliant blue sky, the sandy seashore ... and dreamed of being there.

I really should have taken a hike yesterday, instead of a drive, but there was a fresh layer of snow so I drove up to Krupp Farms to see if the horses were outside and if they would pose pretty for me ... but they were not outside ~ smart horses ... it's really really cold!

I took a brief walk, but all of this is private property and I didn't want to be obnoxious.

I also drove down West River Drive until it turns into Cannonsburg and ended up over at Townsend Park. I can't remember the last time I was there.

When my boys were young, this is where we used to go frog hunting ... naturally NOT during the winter ...

The sun came out for the briefest moment to sparkle on the little creek ...

My feet were so numb from the cold, I didn't stay outside for very long. I thought perhaps all you folk in hot and sunny Texas were perhaps missing the beauty of the snow ... so I've posted these pictures just for you! Say "hi" to the sun for me, OK?