"May you live to enjoy your grandchildren." PSALM 128.6 So thankful to be alive to know and love and be full of JOY with my grandkids!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Food, food, food ... and the Superbowl ...
We invited our LOGOS friends over to the Jones Junction last night for a Superbowl party. I snapped a few pictures of our time together, most of which did NOT turn out. I'm still trying to get used to my new camera. Photographing INSIDE and taking pictures of people has never been my strong suit. Having a new camera hasn't improved my abilities in that regard. But it's always fun to practice and use different settings anyway. Perhaps I will finally catch on!
Mr. Jones was excited to use his Christmas present and churn out homemade ice cream for everyone. One of the couples in our LOGOS class has three small children. This is Ethan (above). He is in my Tuesday morning 3-year-old class at church. He was very pleased to be at "Mrs. Jones's" house! It took about 45 minutes for Mr. Jones and the children to crank this machine and turn a host of ingredients into rich and very smooth vanilla ice cream. We all made delicious hot fudge sundaes!
We had 16 guests and enough food for a crowd ... so we ATE and ENJOYED!
Most of the fellows watched the game, either in our family room or downstairs in the playroom. I did catch about half of the 3rd quarter ... but mostly, we ladies got cozy by the fireplace and just talked the night away ...
I'm told that the Saints won. I didn't really have a team preference. It was just nice to have an occasion to invite everyone over ... it's one of my favorite things ~ enjoying friendship and food with laughter with these very special folk.
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What a fun time!!! We had osme neighbors over and had a great time getting to know each other better and watching the game. Andrew was rooting for the Colts and I was for the Saints!!!
What a fun time!!! We had osme neighbors over and had a great time getting to know each other better and watching the game. Andrew was rooting for the Colts and I was for the Saints!!!
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