Up above the clouds so high ...
I had a window seat for each of the four flights of my trip to and from El Paso last week ... so I took a lot of pictures. Just in case you've never flown! It's an amazing sight ...
These are the Franklin Mountains you can see from Jesse and Diana's house ~ aren't they beautiful?
God's majesty just smacks you right in the face when you are flying through the air, seeing SO far, such beauty and intricate design ... it doesn't take long to climb five miles in the sky!
A sea of clouds ... ! I looked down from here and saw, way beneath us, another jet going the opposite direction ~ it was so weird to see that."I have scattered your offenses like the clouds. Oh, return to Me, for I have paid the price to set you free!" Isaiah 44.22
"Sing to the One who rides across the ancient heavens, His mighty voice thundering from the sky. Tell everyone about God's power ... His strength is mighty in the heavens. God is awesome in His sanctuary." Psalm 68.33
This is the approach to Dallas/Ft. Worth ... I had fun watching the boats on this lake ... they looked SO tiny! 

When we landed in Detroit, the clouds were SO thick. As we dropped through them, it was like descending through a misty fog. I had smooth flights throughout my trip ~ no turbulence to speak of ~ and I was thankful through and through for the precious time I had with Jesse's family. Driving back to Grand Rapids from Detroit the next day, I listened to an old Sara Grove album I had in the car. I'd forgotten how much I liked it!
He's Always Been Faithful
Morning by morning I wake up to find
the power and comfort of God's hand in mine.
Season by season
I watch Him amazed,
in awe of the mystery of His perfect ways
All I have need of His hand will provide.
He's always been faithful to me.
(1999, Sara Groves)
Beautiful pictures, Carol. When you
were on the mountain highway, you
can really see the beauty of the
Franklin Mts., huh.
Beautiful photos. I can't look out the window - it makes me soooooo sick!
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