Saturday, October 30, 2010
From Grandpa's camera ...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
With my own eyes ...

"The voice of the LORD echoes above the sea.
The God of glory thunders.
The LORD thunders over the mighty sea.
The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is full of majesty."
PSALM 29:3-4

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Beautiful Jeremiah ...

It ended up being quite an unusual morning around here. We were scheduled to take care of children over at church this morning, received one call telling us it had been cancelled, but then 20 minutes later we got another call asking us to come. About two hours into our morning, the tornado sirens were sounding, so we had to round up all of the children and take them to the designated safe spot in the basement of the church. And then after the "all-clear" came, the mothers took their little ones home.
We brought Jeremiah home, fed him his lunch and put him down for a nap with the wind loudly howling and the house shaking! It was SO loud. Emily's mom has picked him up now and he is safely at their house for the next few days. Hopefully, we'll see Adam, Emily and Jeremiah this weekend sometime.
And speaking of the wind ... you should SEE Lake Michigan and the waves crashing over the pier out at Grand Haven! If you look on my sidebar under "These Tracks Lead to" and click on My Favorite Place, you can see what I'm talking about!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Birthday greetings for Adam ...

Wishing you a wonderful 26th birthday celebration, Adam! Hope you and Emily are having a great time on your vacation. With love for you!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Our little visitor ...
It's been more than a week since I have taken any pictures at all ... ZERO! The doctor says I have had a gastrointestinal virus/infection ... in other words, the stomach flu. And that's all I want to say about that ... other than I think I am finally on the mend. :)
We have a little visitor staying with us at the Jones Junction for a few days! Jeremiah is here! Look at his happy little face!
Adam, Emily and Jeremiah arrived here yesterday, late afternoon. Adam won a trip to Las Vegas through where he works ... something about being top dog in sales last year. Anyway, this vacation has been planned for a couple of months now. Dylan and Kelly joined us for dinner and fun last night ~ so nice to spend time with everyone together!
Adam and Emily left very early this morning, so we got Jeremiah up for church without them. We weren't sure how he was going to do ~ he's never been away from his parents for any length of time ~ but he did great. Grandpa Jones took him to the nursery with him during first service, where Jeremiah played with all of the other babies just fine ~ he's very social!
We have played all day, inside and outside, and now Jeremiah is quietly tucked in for the night. He's a sweet little one! We'll have him all day tomorrow ... and then just until noon on Tuesday ~ then we have to share him with his other grandparents. Adam and Emily are due home Thursday night and will be staying in town through the weekend. They are going to bring Jeremiah by for some trick-or-treating Saturday night. We'll take some pictures and share them with you then!

Adam, Emily and Jeremiah arrived here yesterday, late afternoon. Adam won a trip to Las Vegas through where he works ... something about being top dog in sales last year. Anyway, this vacation has been planned for a couple of months now. Dylan and Kelly joined us for dinner and fun last night ~ so nice to spend time with everyone together!
Adam and Emily left very early this morning, so we got Jeremiah up for church without them. We weren't sure how he was going to do ~ he's never been away from his parents for any length of time ~ but he did great. Grandpa Jones took him to the nursery with him during first service, where Jeremiah played with all of the other babies just fine ~ he's very social!

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Late afternoon at Roselle Park ...

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The drive along Grand River Avenue ...
Last week when I was out at Ada Township Park, I decided to take the "scenic" route home ~ so I turned off from Fulton to Grand River Avenue and took it all the way to where the E. Beltline turns into Northland Drive ... do you know where I am talking about?
I saw such amazing color and perfectly beautiful farms and made a note in my head to come back this week when I had time and snap some pictures of the loveliness that was ... everywhere!
I don't remember another autumn so beautifully colored, do you? The brilliant golds and ambers, wine-reds, deep oranges, burnished browns ... breathtaking!
We received some much-needed rain yesterday morning; but in the mid-afternoon, I grabbed my camera and headed back to see if I could photograph and actually capture some of the awesome color ...
This farm is called "Holiday Farm" ~ don't you wish you lived there?! WOW. I drove by this stretch of road five times looking for a place to park so that I could take a little walk and take pictures. There is nowhere to park out here! I finally just drove up a very long, winding driveway and pulled over to the side of it a bit and hopped out!
I completely fell in love with this tree!
This time of year is tricky for me. I love the autumn ... but at the very same time I am loving it, I am dreading what follows! It's not that I hate winter or anything. I actually like it very much. But I don't like being cold! I love the beauty of the snow ... for a few WEEKS ... but then I am very ready for spring to come and wake everything back up from the dead and the grey! I want my flowers back! I tend to get impatient while I wait for spring ...
Do you think God has made anything that equals the beauty of a horse? Aren't they fabulous animals?!

While I was driving along Grand River, I saw a park I'd never seen before: Roselle Park. It's a beautiful place that is still kind of under construction. There are lots of wetlands and walking trails ... and there is even a great place to climb! There are two silos situated side by side, one of which has stairs (90 of them) inside that you can climb to the top to an observation platform! How fun! Except ... I climbed those 90 stairs only to find the observation deck locked ... I couldn't get outside! So I did snap the picture above through the window up there. I was so disappointed!
You can see the two silos behind this beautiful horse. The park trails are being worked on right now, but I think I've talked Mr. Jones into driving out there early tomorrow morning and walking the ones that are completed ... the colors are fast fading now, and I want to enjoy them to the fullest ... while it's still possible!
I can get very melancholy this time of year ... perhaps because there is so much sadness in the world. So many people are heartbroken and in pain. I long for the day when God makes everything right that is wrong and heals all of the brokenness in our lives.

Be patient as you wait for the Lord's return.
Consider the farmers who eagerly look for the rains
in the fall and in the spring.
They wait patiently for the precious harvest to ripen.
You, too, must be patient.
And take courage ... for the coming of the LORD is near!
JAMES 5:7-8
Consider the farmers who eagerly look for the rains
in the fall and in the spring.
They wait patiently for the precious harvest to ripen.
You, too, must be patient.
And take courage ... for the coming of the LORD is near!
JAMES 5:7-8
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