Our little visitor ...
It's been more than a week since I have taken any pictures at all ... ZERO! The doctor says I have had a gastrointestinal virus/infection ... in other words, the stomach flu. And that's all I want to say about that ... other than I think I am finally on the mend. :)
We have a little visitor staying with us at the Jones Junction for a few days! Jeremiah is here! Look at his happy little face! Adam, Emily and Jeremiah arrived here yesterday, late afternoon. Adam won a trip to Las Vegas through where he works ... something about being top dog in sales last year. Anyway, this vacation has been planned for a couple of months now. Dylan and Kelly joined us for dinner and fun last night ~ so nice to spend time with everyone together!
Adam and Emily left very early this morning, so we got Jeremiah up for church without them. We weren't sure how he was going to do ~ he's never been away from his parents for any length of time ~ but he did great. Grandpa Jones took him to the nursery with him during first service, where Jeremiah played with all of the other babies just fine ~ he's very social!
We have played all day, inside and outside, and now Jeremiah is quietly tucked in for the night. He's a sweet little one! We'll have him all day tomorrow ... and then just until noon on Tuesday ~ then we have to share him with his other grandparents. Adam and Emily are due home Thursday night and will be staying in town through the weekend. They are going to bring Jeremiah by for some trick-or-treating Saturday night. We'll take some pictures and share them with you then!
1 comment:
He is so cute!!!!
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