However, the Thursday after Christmas, Nana's pain had worsened to the point where Roy and I finally drove her to the Emergency Room. They did a CT scan there, had it reviewed by an orthopaedic surgeon (one of the very physicians I used to work for!) who discovered Nana had very certainly fractured her sacrum (in other words, her tail bone) ~ but her CT scan also revealed she has arthritis in her spine! My mom has enjoyed almost perfect health her entire lifetime. She told me a few weeks ago, she didn't even know what people meant when they mentioned having a "headache" because she'd never had one!
We had a follow-up appointment yesterday with the orthopedic physician and because Nana's pain was not controlled with the meds she was prescribed through the ER, she was prescribed stronger pain medication. I spent a few hours today with mom and Roy and this new medication FINALLY seems to be helping to get her pain under control. I'm so relieved about that. It's pretty difficult to see your own mother in that much pain. She has been told by her doctors that this injury will take three to six months to heal! That's a LONG time.
For the next little while at least, I'll be checking on mom and Roy every day and going with them to their appointments. Sometimes doctors are difficult to understand and oftentimes they don't explain themselves very well. So it is expedient that they have someone with them to "interpret" and advocate for them. And for now, even though I have absolutely ZERO medical training and expertise, that person is me ~ it's certainly what God expects of me in this situation and I am waiting to see just what He will teach me through it.
Pray for Nana, okay?
Hi Carol: I am glad they did other
tests on your mom to find out what
the pain was. Tailbone fracture
hurts and just has to heal on it's
on. (That's what I've been told) The
medicine is working and that is good.
If she gets relief from the pain, it
will help her feel better. Tell her
I will pray for her. My mom and dad
had lots of medical problems, as did
Larry's folks after while, so we had
tons of experience taking them to
doctors, etc.
Sorry to hear about her fall:( Glad Sabrina was there to help. Unfortunately it just seems with some doctors today you have to be a little pushy & make them keep testing. I know from experience, when I had to demand to see a specialist. The ER told me my pain wasn't high enough for a kidney stone, funny right before I saw the specialist, I fully passed the stone.
I hope the doctor appointment goes well today. I'll be praying
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