Thursday, June 2, 2011

Walking around Reed's Lake ...

Yesterday morning my dear friend, Karen, and I walked around Reed's Lake ... the entire lake! It was a gorgeous morning to walk with one of the nicest people on this earth, enjoying her kindness and friendship. It was perfect.
I've hardly ever spent any time around this part of town, so I'm not familiar with it at all. Karen lives close by, so she showed me the new boardwalk area that goes out into a swamp/bog kind of place ... so beautiful! We could hear the frogs talking. The colors out there were just stunning ... and the lily pads! The lilies hadn't opened yet, so I didn't take any pictures of them ~ perhaps in a few days, I'll go back and see if they have bloomed. There were several cool webs along the boardwalk ... it was windy, so they weren't perfect ... and thankfully, the spinner of this web was nowhere in sight!
These delicate wild flowers were everywhere. I just love them. I'd love to dig a bunch of them up and transplant them to my back yard flower garden!
These two photos are the underside a flower that looks just like a sparkler on the 4th of July!
"I will praise Him from the bottom of my heart. Lord, who can compare with you?" PSALM 36.10
This is such a pretty place, isn't it?
The beauty of the place and Karen's company made quite a long distance walk (for me!) very pleasurable ... And then! I got to see something I had never ever seen before in my life ...
This swan couple had FOUR cygnets with them, although it's difficult to see all four of them in these pictures. I took so many pictures, hoping to get a few that would capture their amazing gracefulness and dignity ...

But that was the best I could do! I'm not sure I'll ever have another opportunity to photograph baby swans. But it is enough for me to have seen them with my own eyes!


judy hand said...

Love these pictures, Carol. Larry and I might go walk around there. I wish we could take our grandchildren with us.

Mom Jones said...

Yes, Judy, me too ... wishing about the grandchildren. It seems I have that longing so much. Tonight I was downtown watching Dylan and Kelly's band perform at Festival of the Arts and saw so many little children and their grandparents walking around holding onto cool wooden projects they had built together down there, little ones with faces painted, others eating ice cream ... and I kept thinking ~ how FUN it would be to do all of that with our grandchildren. Sigh. :/

judy hand said...

Boy, do I know that feeling. I see
grandparent and grandchildren all over the place and then my heart aches. But, at the same time, if they are my grandchildren's age, I can guess their ages and say that's just like them. With all your grandchildren, you have so many ages to identify with, so I am right there with you in feelings. Good for
Dylan and Kelly.