Sunday, September 1, 2013

Neighborhood Party, August 21

I was invited last week to a neighborhood party at Grandpa and Grandma Hand's neighborhood ~ and happily attended! There were many fun and free games for the children to play. Emma, Chris and Matthew played a few good games of bean bag tic-tac-toe ... 
And instead of a cake walk, there was a great game of CEREAL walk (no pictures) and each of these kiddos won a free box of cereal. Emma wisely chose Raisin Bran (!), Christopher picked out Lucky Charms, and I think Matthew rejoiced to walk away with a box of Cocoa Puffs! 
Kaity-Jane is too tiny to play any games yet, so I got to get a little better acquainted with her while the other children were playing. 
The children got their faces painted too!
When it was time for face painting, Emma had a little dog painted on one side of her face and a kitten on the other cheek. Christopher had the Detroit Tiger "D" painted on his face. Matthew ... 
Well ... Matthew asked to be painted like "The Joker" from Batman. I think the painter did a pretty good job with such a difficult request! Yikes. 
Baby Kaity did not have her face painted whatsoever! No way!  
Diana, Kaity and Jesse
at the Neighborhood Fun Night
I think the children enjoyed the MAGICIAN the very best of all. He was very funny and quite clever with his tricks too. 
To begin his act, the Magician asked if there were any volunteers. Emma raised her hand right away and was chosen to hand out flyers about future magic shows. There was a big crowd of people, so he asked for an assistant for Emma ... and chose Christopher! So this was their very first job ever! They did wonderful with greeting the crowd and passing out the flyer. I'm so glad I was invited to this fun event!
Matthew and Christopher with the Magician!

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