Sunday, May 25, 2014

Snippets from our weekend … "snippets?"

Well, I'll be! "Snippets" does not appear to be an actual word, at least not according to my paperback Merriam-Webster Dictionary! Sigh. I'm going to use it anyway and tell you that it just means this first post of our weekend represents a few fragments as pictured below … BEFORE we took our Saturday afternoon adventure!
The boys usually come into The Beach House with an agenda. They have something on their minds that they want to accomplish, usually involving sketching, coloring, or the making of books! Friday night, they were into DESIGN, the engineering of their very own car, drawn from a combination of sources (mainly Matchbox cars). They chose a few of their favorites from the Matchbox suitcase, lined them up on the table and began to draw. 
 Chris and Matthew did this both before and after our Bible story time. Meanwhile, Emma and I got caught up on our week: me training for a rather unusual (and irregular) "floater" position over at the doctor's office (where I used to work!), and Emma at school. It always takes us a little while to tell each other all the stuff that happened during our week. 
 We've been studying Jesus the last few months during our Bible story time together. Last week, we talked about when Jesus ascended back to His Father in heaven. This week, I decided to teach the children about Jesus coming back again to earth! Because He promised us HE WILL RETURN!

 Matthew 24:31: "… they will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send forth his angels with the sound of a mighty trumpet blast, and they will gather together his chosen ones from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven."
 Luke 21:28: "Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds with power and great glory."

I read many Bible passages that spoke of the second coming of Jesus, as well as what will happen afterwards. 

I read selected verses from Revelation 21: "Look, the home of God is now among his people. He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will remove all of their sorrows, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. For the old world and its evils are gone forever." One of the very last verses in the Bible has Jesus saying this: "LOOK! I AM COMING SOON!" So that's what we studied together Friday night. It was wonderful to think about Jesus coming again to take us to be with Him. 
By the time it was actually bed time, I have to admit I was pretty exhausted. I'd had a pretty full week, and I was sleepy at about … 9:00!! We watched "Closed Circuit" for our movie, which the children enjoyed, and I did too minus some of the rough talking language throughout. Yikes.
Everyone was finally asleep by midnight (our usual) and I literally fell into bed (the couch) and don't remember anything else until about 8:00 Saturday morning, when I woke up … refreshed and thankful for a good night's sleep! The children slept for another hour, which gave me some much-needed "alone" time to prep for the activities of the day.
The children sleeping soundly Saturday morning ...
Matthew was the first to wake up, and he immediately returned to his car designing ...

 Soon both boys were hard at "work" using their wonderful artistic talent to create cool cars. We got on the internet and found pictures of their favorite cars like Ferari, Bugatti, and Lamborghini (the most expensive cars in the world), and I printed out images of these cars for them to look at and use as they sketched.

 Meanwhile, Emma took a bath and I took a shower. And then Emma played with the Legos while the boys were drawing.

These three are a busy bunch … but these were good activities for them to take interest in. And they certainly poured their hearts into it 100%!

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