Sunday, April 8, 2018

Saturday, April 7:  This is my Art cupboard! I'm so thankful for it! There are markers, pencils, crayons, stamps, stencils, rulers, ink, templates, paint, scissors, glue, a ton of paper, etc. in this cupboard and the grandchildren know that they can help themselves whenever they want to whatever is there! I've always loved doing art with the kids. I love children's art! I love the freedom they have with their creativity. AND, this cupboard has "saved" my neck many an afternoon when I just couldn't come up with anything "entertaining" to do with the children!

 Last week, during our Bible time, the kiddos all created pictures of our story ... which was the story of when Jesus died for us. I've "framed" those pictures and put them on our cupboard wall. I love these pictures so much.
 I asked Matthew last week what book his teacher is presently reading to them. He answered with, "Gathering Blue" which is part of "The Giver" series by Lois Lowry. I have never read any of these books (there are four in the series); so I decided to order the set and READ them for myself. You see, last year, Chris's class read "The Giver" and Christopher really loved the story (and still does). The children were pretty excited to see the set at my house--I plan to give it to them once I have finished reading them.
 There is a MAP of the whole community and it's a good illustration of what happens in the books ...

While the older children were looking through the books and exploring the map, Kaity-Jane took a very fun and relaxing bubble bath. We needed to get about 100 million tangles out of her hair AND she had been asking (the last few weeks) if she could play in my bathtub with the water toys ... so it worked out very well! We got every last tangle out of her hair--doesn't it look so soft and pretty?
 Kaity! You are such a sweetie!
Our Bible story this week was about Mary Magdalene coming to the empty tomb and all that happened during her meeting with Jesus. And then I went back and told them the "rock" story from Palm Sunday. They enjoyed it too--just thinking about ROCKS talking IS pretty amusing ...
but it's also humbling to think that the God who MADE us, also made the rocks (and everything else). God is incredibly AWESOME and wants our praise! We had fun talking about this on our drive home.

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