Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve, Part I

Monday, December 31:  New Year's Eve! Happy New Year! My wee boys came over to spend the day with me today. We had so much fun.
At their house, they had been playing so nicely that Dylan did not interrupt their play with breakfast ... so they ate when they arrived over at my house. Aidan eats a bunch of different gluten-egg-dairy-peanut-free snacks. He even ate TWO pieces of cinnamon bread at my house today! 
 I think Aidan will be a very good builder of track layouts in very short order! He loves to play trains and he especially likes putting the track together for me.
 Look at his sweet little face! Oh my.
 Brendan jumped right in and had his OWN ideas about the layout ... so it was quite easy to let him take over while Aidan and I added on to a different area.
 Brendan decided he wanted the track to go ALL THE WAY to the playroom!
 So, we had to modify our layout a little bit and then we were able to accomplish it. I'm not sure about this picture below ... but it sure does look like these two little ones are having a bit of a conflict ...
 Dear Aidan with a toy in each hand ...
 Voila! The track made it all the way to the playroom. Brendan was super pleased.
 Little Aidan just had a blast today with all of the toys ...

 He was building small block towers for a little while and then he would clap as I counted HOW MANY blocks he was able to stack before they came tumbling d-o-w-n!
 Look at this child! I could just eat him up.

 We had our usual food for lunch ... I figure that since Brendan LOVES pasta, we'll just go with that until he tells me he hates it or something.

 We spent a long time at the table today. Which was intentional on my part because it keeps our little imp of a baby contained for 30 minutes instead of ... exploring every single bin, crate, cupboard and shelf that I have. It gives me a breather from following his little person around making sure he is OK.
 I love you, Brendan!

 Aidan took ZERO naps during his day with me ... but he did manage to crawl up and lay down on my window seat for a split second ... he did this about a half dozen times before he decided NOT to sleep.

And I love this picture of you, dear Brendan. There is not a sweeter boy in the world.
 These two did very well together today. Sometimes it is frustrating to Brendan when Aidan is here because he takes apart everything that Brendan sets up. But I think Brendan is getting used to it.

 I love this picture (below) of Aidan ...
 And this one, too, of Brendan.

Near the end of our day, Aidan was pretty tuckered out. The boys did some drawing together. Aren't they darling together?! 

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