Friday, July 19, 2019

Kaity Solo

Thursday, June 18:  You know something? There are days when it is just TOO hot to think almost ... a RARE thing this summer in W. Michigan--but welcome actually--sort of! I am dripping, drenched, sweltering as I write this. We are under what is being called a "dangerous" heat wave all throughout the midwest. Kaity came over today and Paco right away stole her sunglasses. Hildy was a little miffed with him.
And here is Kaity changing my calender (out of the picture) to the proper date (as it had not been changed since the 10th of June).
 Our Kaity-Girl takes a lot of comfort in her left thumb. She is seven, so I suppose we all ought to try and talk her out of sucking on it ... but ... she is such a dear little thing, I can't quite bare it.

 Kaity-COOL ...
 When I was shopping in Holland with Ruthanne and Terry a few days ago, I picked up this little Melissa and Doug paint (with water!) book. Kaity loved it so much! So worth the $4.99 I spent!
 Paco was very interested in Kaity's work, but disappointed that there were NO pigs in the book whatsoever. Disgusting.
 Here Paco is, telling us all about it too ...

 It had been raining quite steadily from about noon until 3:00. We waited to make sure the rain was GONE, and then we hightailed it out to Versluis Park, hoping that not every single person in Kent County would also be there. Voila! Only one other family. It was a JOY to meet them. They actually go to Calvary. The grandma's name is NANCY, the daughter is ANDREA, and their little almost-4 year old is GRACE. I neglected to find out the baby boy's name. What a nice family. And Nancy was so friendly--actually, so was Andrea. I loved meeting them.

 Kaity seemed to enjoy playing with Grace, but then splashing began and Kaity was offended because Grace wouldn't obey her! 

Afterwards, we went back to my house and had brownies and ice cream! YUM! And we read a story to Paco ... and I got more hugs from Kaity today, deep loving hugs ... I love you back, Kaity dear.

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