Monday, September 7, 2020

September 4 Rogue River Park with KT

Saturday afternoon:  I know this is a ridiculous amount of pictures, but I just can't help myself. Kaity and I had such a relaxing few hours together this afternoon--first at my house playing with Matey and eating our meal, but then later on when we drove just 5 minutes up the road to Rogue River Park to play.

I'm not always sure what will keep Kaity interested, especially when there are no other children to play with at a playground. One thing, though--Kaity ALWAYS enjoys climbing, sliding, exploring, and using her very strong body in new ways--so playgrounds are almost always a plus. 
This afternoon, we brought a little container of older Hot Wheels cars to race down the slides ... just for a diversion.

This is a very nice playground, but it does NOT have any monkey bars--that's a negative since Kaity LOVES hanging on bars.
We played quite a few games of tic-tac-toe, and that was fun. Kaity even beat me once because I was NOT paying attention to her TWO ways of winning!

Kaity DID manage to find a few things to HANG on ...

I love you, dear Kaity.

There are some beautiful paths into and out of the woods, leading down to the Rogue and other interesting spots. We decided to take a little walk and search for the river.

It couldn't have been a nicer day ...

If there are NO monkeybars, well then do what the monkeys do! Use trees!

We finally reached the river! Kaity enjoyed throwing rocks. She found some pretty BIG rocks too!

That rock made quite a splash--hence the face (below).

Kaity is an excellent climber. I love to watch her use her strong arms.

What a completely BEAUTIFUL place God made for us to enjoy--and we DID enjoy it!

Thank you for the beauty You created, Lord. Thank you for this sweet time with my Kaity-Girl.

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