Wednesday, December 2, 2020

December 2 A super nice Tuesday

Tuesday:  It's been SIX very long weeks since these little ones have been able to come over to my house! But now I am fully recovered, no more weight lifting restrictions, back to completely normal eating, and strong enough to entertain these guys over at my house.

I picked up the kiddos at 9:30AM and we came right over here to play. I think just about every toy in my house got played with! They were all delighted with the Christmas decorations and had fun finding the ornaments of themselves on my tree. Aidan and Brendan got right to building a train layout.
They worked at opposite ends, so it worked out ...

Aidan was entralled with the Thomas Kincaid ceramic train ... I had to watch him like a hawk as it is a little bit fragile. I'm not sure how it happened (and it doesn't matter), but part of it ended up in my "toy hospital" for repairs ...
Since it was still morning when we arrived here, the kiddos all had a bowl or three of cereal and milk.

Brendan's request was a combination of Cinammon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, and Capt'n Crunch Berries ... I can't imagine those three together in one bowl, but Brendan was very pleased.
Mr. Aidan didn't come for his cereal until Brendan and Erin were finished and I had all the cereal put away and the table cleaned off ... hmm ... BUT he did finally come and had exactly what Brendan had!
Speaking of Brendan ... he requested that I get out my number transformers for him to play with. I'm so glad! He played with them, on and off, throughout the day. I have numbers zero through nine, and you can combine numbers zero through four to make a huge robot, and then you can combine numbers five through nine to make another huge robot. BUT ... it takes a lot of patience to put it all together because there are lots of parts. I keep them all together in a bin for Brendan so that the pieces don't get lost. I've kept all of the instructions, too, and Brendan says that's what helps him put it all together. The instructions don't help me one bit! I cannot combine these numbered robots to make a big robot for anything. I can barely get the individual numbers to transform!

Darling Erin was delighted to be at her grandma's today. She loves it here. She followed Matey-Bird around today and just roamed from room to room with her dimpled hands touching everything she could ... she is the sweetest little thing.
Both of the little kids got their clothes soaked while eating their cereal and milk, so I had to find spare dry shirts in my kids' dresser--all of them were huge on Aidan, but we threw the wet shirts in the dryer and then put them back on.
Aidan really enjoys these little ice cream cones ... I wish I could get him to eat REAL food like this!

Would you believe that we actually spent nearly SEVEN hours here and never once turned to technology for entertainment? YAY! Not one single computer video was even requested! I am so pleased!

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