Monday: I truly like spontaneity ... but rarely does it come my way! Possibly because I am much too rigid with my personal time. Anyway, rather than trying to figure out WHY I don't just jump up a DO unexpected and unplanned activities on a weekly basis, I'll just tell you what happened today.
I think it was about 11:30 when Brenda called and asked if it was okay for her to stop by for a visit. She rarely ever asks; but the last few times she HAS, I have turned her down--usually due to grandma duties having a greater priority. Anyway, I was totally free Monday afternoon, my Bible study homework was complete, I didn't have a huge list of MUST DO'S for the afternoon; so I said "Yes!"
It was about 12:30 when Brenda arrived. We enjoyed a little dish of fruit and fruit dip briefly before we went outside for a walk. It was a super pleasant weather day, and Brenda hadn't really ever walked around our "park" for any distance; so we walked over to my sister's house (for starters), which is a little over a mile round trip. We had almost returned to my street when I told Brenda about Imperial Mills (off Chauncey Avenue) and asked if she wanted to walk there. Well ... I had forgotten that Brenda has painful feet--she does really well with them, but they do cause her chronic pain. We turned around and instead DROVE over to Imperial Mills. She liked it! I love it there, even though exploration is forbidden ("No Trespassing" signs EVERYWHERE ... as well as quite large dogs). Anyway, we continued driving up Chauncey as it turns into a dirt road and then it turned and became 5 Mile (paved).
Since we really didn't have anything else to do, Brenda suggested driving out to Lowell to walk around a little bit. On our way down Canonsburg, Brenda noted "Frozen Creek Floral & Produce" which is just off the road. There is a barn there that I have long admired, but never had any reason to drive up the driveway to check it out. I didn't realize there was kind of a "shop" attached to the farm house that sells dried flower arrangements and canned jam, etc.

I didn't have my camera with me, due to the fact that the snow has gotten SO ugly and the trees are so dreadfully BARE ... but I snapped this quick picture with my phone. Isn't this a nice barn? When it snows again later in the week, I'll drive back and take better pictures (hopefully). We met a very nice woman (Ruth) who could have talked the legs off a chair (!!), was recovering from knee surgery, and showed us all around their 150 year old farm house. We didn't buy any floral arrangements or anything else, for that matter; but it was nice to meet Ruth and have such a nice chat.
We drove down Canonsburg until it kind of dead ends into Lincoln Lake Road, where we turned right and took it all the way into Lowell. There was a shop Brenda wanted to check out; but it turns out the shop had moved and we couldn't figure out where it had moved to. Since we were so close, I told her about the very cool pedestrian bridge that crosses over the Flat and Grand Rivers (at Grand River Riverfront Park), so we drove over there and walked across it.
My dear friend, Brenda!
I have hundreds of picture of this pretty bridge, so I didn't snap any more of it. I am glad I took one of Brenda, though. I hardly have any pictures of people who are NOT my grandchildren! Good grief. You would think that's the only important part of my life.
We drove a different route back to my house. We stayed on Grand River Drive until it round us around to Ada. We passed by this maple production place pretty close to Ada. Brenda turned the car around and we went back. I learned that Brenda grew up enjoying true MAPLE syrup on her waffles (at her grandmas), and it was one of those good memories Brenda has of growing up. We went inside and spoke with "Connie" for awhile. Her family has carried on this business for several generations. She gave us samples of their syrup. Neither of us was carrying any cash, so we did not purchase any syrup to take home. Brenda promised to return in the next week or so to purchase some syrup for she and Russ to enjoy. |
I enjoyed being with Brenda so much today. She likes to explore new places! Trespassing signs don't bother her! YES! I am ashamed of myself for not making more time in my life for this kind of relaxing fun. Thank you, Brenda, for spending the afternoon with me. You are the best.