It was nice to see Uncle Shane again after so long ...
We played for awhile and then we ordered pizza ... yum!
Everyone had a great time ...
we had the entire playground to ourselves!Here's Emma (above) ascending the tallest tube slide.
We found that it had a neat echo
so that if one of us yelled into it at the bottom,
the child at the top could answer back
and our voices would collide and echo!The kids enjoyed playing with their uncles!
Matthew especially loved the swings ...
Grandpa Pahman was demonstrating to Matthew
the mechanics of pumping with your legs
and pulling with your arms so that you could swing
higher and higher and higher ...
Matthew made a little bit of progress
with pumping his legs, but Christopher
was watching and later was able to get himself pretty high!
Although Chris and Ems preferred swinging on their bellies like
a couple of monkeys ...
Uncle Shane did a lot of pushing and helping out
at the swings ... And then it was time to say good-bye to
Grandpa Pahman and Shane and drive back
to Grandma Jones' house for a sleep-over. We started our evening with half-showers to get our feet
clean from all that dirt on the playground;
and then we got in our jammies
and watched "The Incredible Journey"
(the talking version with Michael J. Fox doing the voice
of one of the dogs).
This used to be one of their favorite movies to watch
at my house before they moved to Texas.
Emma was SO into the story this time ...
it was cute to watch her loving the little lost animals
and being so happy when they were able to get home
to their family again.
After a small snack, it was bedtime ...
It was 9:45 ...
the kids had played hard all day ...
they ran and played at the park ...
they were exhausted!
We read two nice stories,
prayed together,
had hugs all around,
and then lights out!
Matthew managed to roll himself
all over the bedroom (practically),
bumping into Emma and Christopher's bedrolls,
kicking his legs against walls, etc.
and talked incessantly until 11:15!
Christopher was pretty quiet,
but it was difficult to sleep with Matthew being so active!
I think Chris was asleep slightly before Matthew ...
Emma was wide awake until at least midnight!
She just could not fall asleep!
However, the first time she ever slept over at my house
she was 15 months old.
Diana was in the hospital birthing Christopher
and Emma spent the night with us ...
She didn't fall asleep that entire night!
We watched "The Sound of Music" almost three times!
At 8:00 in the morning, she fell asleep on the couch!
At 4:30, Christopher woke up because he wanted me
to "put the cat out" of the room.
I showed him that Thomas K was not in the room!
Chris stayed awake until 6:00
and then fell back to sleep.
Emma woke up at 6:30
Matthew at 7:00
Christopher shortly after
And by about 7:45, we decided to give it up and get up!
We woke to a soft morning rain ...
we were all a bit grumpy to start with,
but we decided to try really really hard not to be ...
after all, it was our first Saturday together in a very long time ~
we ended up having a wonderful day!
At least they all slept a little... I'm curious how much you got though? I am so glad that Jim and Shane were able to see them too. And what a fun looking playground.
Sorry they didn't sleep for you. I was hoping and praying they would. Glad you all had a great time though, love the pics. Near the end of our time here I'd like to get a copy of yours if possible. And of course we'll be sure all of us visit with Grandpa Pahman and Uncle Shane again soon.
You have a beautiful family! I am a Pahman too! I am probably related somehow to "Grandpa Pahman". I see a resemblance. You may contact me at
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