Grandpa Roy was admitted to the hospital today with pneumonia. He hasn't felt quite "himself" the last few days, and then Sunday was really feeling poorly to the point where Nana took him to Urgent Care last night. They ran him through all of the routine tests, did a chest x-ray, suspected pneumonia, had a fever (but not high), said his O2 levels were "down" but sent him home nonetheless. Nana watched over him carefully last night, but then this morning she phoned his physician who directed them to the Emergency Room.
Grandpa Jones and I drove them downtown and then waited for the verdict. They were not terribly alarmed (because Grandpa Roy is SO healthy and strong) but because his O2 levels were so low and his x-rays did show pneumonia, he has been admitted for "a few days" so that he can be properly watched over and professionally cared for. Everyone in the Emergency Room was wearing those little face masks as they were waiting to be examined. They wheeled Grandpa Roy into an exam room almost immediately.
Grandpa Roy is not a complainer ... he is such a sweet person ... but hospitals are nobody's favorite place to be! Nana is spending the night there with him and I will just go back and forth to make sure they have what they need, and to try to give them some smiles and cheer. He is in a real nice room on the second floor of the south wing ... with a view of a parking garage! Nana says he knows every single kind of car that has ever been made and as they drive, he is always pointing out certain models and years to her ... so perhaps a view of the parking garage will amuse him! Please pray his body will respond to the antibiotics so that he can go home, happy and healthy, very soon!
Oh, we will definitely be praying for him and speedy recovery so he can be home soon!
Thanks, Shelley! I'll tell Nana you are praying ... she will be encouraged by that. :)
Oh no! Tell Roy we are praying for him also and that we can't wait to see him again at Christmas.
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