Just Nathan!
Tuesday morning Rachel phoned. She was headed out to see a friend with the two youngest kiddos. Nia was with her other granny and Nathan was asking if he could come over and play at our house. Wow. Just Nathan?! An opportunity to actually outnumber the grandchildren! So Nathan came over to play! We read a TON of books together, beginning with a crazy version we have of "There was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly" ... I had forgotten that the book ends with the woman being DEAD. But the illustrations are so funny in this book, and the story SO ridiculous, Nathan didn't take it seriously at all!
Grandpa Jones came into the room where we were playing. Nathan looked up and said, "Hi, Grandpa with the trains!" (that is Nathan's way of distinguishing grandpa's ... Grandpa Jones is the one with the trains) We got out ALL of our train books and had ... NO interruptions ... while we read and lifted all of the flaps and then laid out this very LONG train and enjoyed it together!
Nathan has a nice collection of Matchbox and Hotwheel cars at his house, but he always likes to go and check out the ones we have downstairs in the playroom. We actually have a few dozen Micromachines from when his uncles were young ... Nathan especially likes those.
We got out the blocks to make a BIG castle, but it ended up being more of a weird garage for all of the cars and trucks ...
Nathan had all of the jet planes lined up and had named them all ... but not names like Joe or Mike or Dave ... instead, Nathan chose names like "Powey" and "Zoomie" and names like that ...
It was a beautiful day outside, so after we exhausted every toy that was in the basement, we wandered outside to the deck and found some digger trucks and ... some lovely dirt!

At one point, Nathan was using the digger trucks to take piles of dirt to dump out on the step of our deck and then he used the roller truck to roll the dirt all out to make a road, and then he found a little fork lift truck and began hauling these little sticks to the construction site ...There was hardly any chaos at all with only one little grandchild to play with ... we enjoyed this rare opportunity to spend time JUST with Nathan! As we were gathering Nathan's stuff to go home, he looked up at us and said, "Can you make your phone call my moms so I can come and play again?" I certainly hope so, Nathan. You are a beautiful boy (although he protests when I tell him this ... "BOYS are NOT beautiful" he says).
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