Wild about flowers!
If you are not a flower fan, just skip this post altogether ... but ever since my retirement, I have fallen in love with every single beautiful blossom out there! I'm trying to learn as much as I can about them and improve my flower beds each year. I took this picture of my hens and chicks this morning after our sprinklers had finished giving all of them a drink ...
The pansies I planted last year have surprised me by spreading much more than I thought they would ... they have even grown in-between the cracks in our sidewalks, and out into our grass! I love them special!
I took a little walk around our block yesterday morning before Grandpa Jones and I left to help Dylan with his moving. Last fall, I met a neighbor over there who loves flowers as much as I do! She grows the most beautiful flower beds. As I went walking past her yard, she leaned out her front door and invited me ... to her back yard to take pictures! How kind of her!
Michelle is her name, and she knows ever so much more about growing flowers than I do. She has beautiful wildflowers all over her yard. She calls these dainty little yellow flowers "buttercups." I admired them so much that she pulled some from her yard, put them in a little bag, and sent me home with them! I planted them by our fence in the back yard. I hope they will thrive and spread like they have in my neighbor's yard.
I've completely forgotten the name of the flower pictured above ... but isn't it lovely?
I love cone flowers! My friend, Judy, gave me a few from her garden several years ago, and they come back every year and spread out. However, this cone flower is from Michelle's yard ...
This morning, I walked a different direction and found all kinds of gorgeous flowers!
But Queen Anne's Lace is in a category all by itself in my book ... Mr. Jones says it is a weed ... well, if so ... it is the most exquisite and delightful weed I have ever seen! I was lamenting last week about how FEW Queen Anne's Lace I had seen ... I was wondering if they would EVER appear. Well, this week they are just EVERYWHERE!
This almost looks like FIREWORKS on the 4th of July ... how appropriate!
I just put my camera underneath a Queen Anne blossom and clicked the shutter ... it's practically better than a snowflake!
I walked past Mr. Lyle's property hoping to see Tuffy today ... but it was quite HOT outside and Tuffy was inside his little barn ...
In the shadows, all along the road, dainty little blossoms were hiding!
I walked all the way up the street to the very end of the road, inhaling the loveliness of this wonderful day ...
When I headed back, I called to Tuffy and he came out to see me ... sorry, boy, I forgot to bring you any carrots!Next week I hope to drive north for a day to see my cousins, up at Little Point Sable. And then this weekend is the big family reunion in Detroit at another cousin's who has one acre of solid flower gardens at her house! I can't wait!
Beautiful pictures, Carol. I have
always loved flowers and delight in
them so much. I admire your pansies.
Mine never lasted and spread or came
back. Kudos.
Sorry to hear about your pansies, Judy :( I purchased these pansies last June (2009) and they bloomed right through early DECEMBER and then came right back in March. I have deep purple, an amazing color of sky blue, and some yellow ones too. I just love them. I did not know they were such hearty little plants ... perhaps I just got a rare bunch!
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