Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Drawings by Christopher

Thought I'd show you a few more pieces of art by Christopher. It's not that Matthew and Emma weren't also drawing ... but both of them tend to be a little perfectionistic with their works of art. So there is a lot of starting over and ripping up and ... general angst. Christopher is pretty care-free about his art! He is quick and fluid and he really enjoys himself hugely!
Children's art is so interesting, isn't it?

Notice the fishing hook dangling in front of the shark ... as well as the tiny eels in the right-hand corner ... and I love all of the little colorful fish ...
I liked the fat pelican up in the air in this drawing ... as well as the eels and the crab (lower left corner). Now remember ... he was looking at one of my Ed Emberley drawing books while doing these sketches ... but more just to give him ideas than doing exact copying.
This one completely cracked me up ~ Santa Clause, snowflakes, and a few reindeer ... and I loved how he grabbed black construction paper and knew that crayons would still show up!


judy and larry hand said...

Thanks for the pictures, looks like a talented seven year old. Love Santa and a few reindeer.

judy and larry hand said...

Will enjoy seeing the list of books.
Getting ready to send Matthew's Bday
box off--lots of clothes as usual,
even tho they have said "Grandma"
"you always send us underwear and
pj's and such; and I said yup.

Unknown said...

Love his artwork! I've been watching Matthew draw this week, wishing that I had the same freedom and abandon when I create. Kids are such amazing artists!