Sunday, September 10, 2017

Aidan's Baptism

Saturday morning, September 9:  I'm going to run some pictures of baby Aidan's baptism. Even though I didn't take very many, I am happy with how they turned out. I posted this collage (below) on Facebook.

If I tried to describe this ceremony to you, I would surely fall short; and since I am from a different church base and this was a little out of my comfort zone, I will just say a few things. First of all, the ceremony was honoring to Jesus in every way--His beauty, His sacrifice, His purposes for our lives. 

Kelly and Brendan watching ... (not a good picture of Brendan--not sure what he is doing with his mouth here !! :)  ).  
You see, Dylan and Kelly could not be part of the ceremony. I don't quite understand all of the reasons. But Aidan's godparents were the ones who participated in the ceremony. Their names are Amy and Paul and they were super nice to meet and interact with.
Baby Aidan was immersed 3x in this golden urn and then he was anointed with oil from head to toe. He handled all of this special stuff very well. I don't think he even whimpered. 

Below is my favorite picture of Amy, Paul, Father Jim, Dylan and Kelly.
These ones (following) are super nice too ...

After the baptism, everyone was invited over to Dylan and Kelly's for a celebration.
Ray and Marilyn were there--They are Brendan's godparents. Ray loves little babies. He is Aidan's "church grandpa" and gets to hold Aidan on Sunday mornings during the service. Aidan seemed very happy to sit with Ray on the recliner and watch all of the goings-on.
Beautiful little sweetheart ...

Dylan and Kelly's across-the-street neighbor has a catering business and supplied amazing barbecue! 
A good time was had by all. The Lord bless you, baby Aidan. May you grow up to know, love and serve Him all the days of your life.

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