Friday, October 13, 2017

Two dear little souls ...

This is baby Aidan, now officially 7 months old; crawling like a trooper, pulling himself up everywhere he possibly can and standing on those fat roly-poly legs of his. Aidan is SO social. He just loves to be with people and get in on the action.
Aidan loves to have his picture taken!!! Yay! Brendan has always loved it too. 
Look at this little doll baby. Oh my word. I could just eat him up. 
 And do you know what? He is sick in these pictures with a cold and a deep rattly cough. Kelly took him to the doctor's today because of her concern. But little Aidan, he just keeps smiling ...
 His expressions just slay me ...
 He is delightful, every single inch of him, inside and out ...
 Aidan is a baby on the move ... he gets wherever he wants to go! 
 Kelly says that he measures in the upper percentiles of weight and the lower percentiles of height--just like Brendan! Watch--one day Dylan and Kelly will have a baby girl and she will grow to be six feet tall, unlike these boys who will probably reach 5'8" at their tallest! Who could guess?!?!?!

 Aidan! You are something, you dear, dear baby.
 After Brendan's swim class (where I took most of the pictures above of Aidan), Brendan and I drove over to the Cascade branch of the library to read some books and play for free (the free part is a real bonus). Anyway, this statue is of a boy shouting out the news of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech and quotes the verse in the Gospel of John about the "truth setting free."
There is a solar energy tower on the grounds near the entrance to the library. Brendan looked up at it and announced that when the very top of the tower started spinning, it was a warning that the aliens were close to the earth!
 We read about a dozen story books, short ones, but good stories and then we wandered around the library for awhile to see what we could see.
 We attempted a game of Checkers, but our game quickly desolved into making a lighthouse out of the checker pieces--Brendan's idea.

 We met a very interesting family of children who were expert builders. Brendan is watching the 7-year-old boy put together these straws to make an interesting building. Brendan kept calling what he was making "a broken house" but he was very pleased with it.

Another well-spent Thursday evening. My heart was warmed by the love of these little boys, their mama and dad too--just spending time with them is refreshing to my heart. Love them.

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