Monday, June 11, 2018

Emma and Kaity

Saturday, June 9:  I picked up Emma and Kaity today at about 3:30. The boys had other plans for their weekend, so it was a girls only afternoon for us.
 Kaity was building like crazy in the toy room while I prepared some dinner for us ...

 After we ate, I heped her out a little bit with her roadway. She had wanted the cars to jump across the track to the other side, but she had constructed it with an impossible curve. We took out the curves and straightened it out a bit. We had several cars who could blast off and fly across the chasm ... but many of our cars fell right through to the road below ...

 At one point, we got out our LEGO people and put them in whatever convertible cars or trucks we had so that they could be the drivers.
I enjoyed this time with Kaity very much. She really likes these cars and trucks ... 
 We tossed bean bags in baskets for awhile too. The pictures below do not demonstrate how we were actually playing, though. We stood back in the entrance to the playroom and threw our bean bags down the hallway. Kaity was a pretty good shot. She is a very physical little person and enjoys anything like this to the max.

 I picked up a magnetic dart game over at Miss Candie's Toy Shop earlier in the day. This is the best magnetic dart board I've ever seen or used. 
 Then we had our Bible story about the sower sowing seeds and the different soils that were found.

 Kaity colored her four pictures of the soil very nicely. She decided she would want her heart to have the kind of soil that received God's Word and produced good fruit. 
 We also put some beaded necklaces together. 

 Kaity was super pleased about this!
 Here are Kaity's two finished bead necklaces.
 Emma was here the entire time, but would not permit any pictures be taken of her! Yikes. She has been like this now for almost three years! I hardly have any nice pictures of her that are recent. I've tried to explain this to her, but she does not seem very concerned. !!
 Emma helped me break down these cardboard boxes from Amazon that held gifts for our new baby (soon to arrive). 
Emma spent the night again. We watched "Brave", enjoyed a good night's sleep, went to church, shared a lunch together, played a few games, and then Emma went home. Thank you, Lord, for two weekends in a row of sleepovers with Emma!

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