Thursday, August 16, 2018

Beach Day

Wednesday, August 15:  I took the kiddos to PJ Hoffmaster State Park for a beach afternoon. After getting lost numerous times on my own, dear Emma turned on the "Garman" function on her phone and got us safely there!
I haven't been to Hoffmaster in over 30 years. I'll tell you why! The last few times I was there, and it was when the boys were small, there were these annoying BITING black flies! I hate biting flies! 
The dunes here are amazingly beautiful. The kiddos had so much fun.

 The water here is not as crystal clear as it is a few miles north at Pere Marquette, but then it isn't sea-weed-y like it is in Grand Haven either. !!  We all swam for quite awhile. The boys played football out in the lake. Kaity dug little channels down to the water.

 Kaity is quite a little "fish" which is good because it helps her expend her energy a bit. We borrowed this life jacket at the park entrance ...

 Matthew was unable to come with us today due to his football practice schedule. Tyler, Christopher's best friend, joined us instead. Chris and Tyler are ... whew ... something together! They made my head spin (almost) ... but I super enjoy watching their friendship. I pray that some day it will turn from foolishness to a deeper relationship of understanding and support for each other.
 They took turns burying each other. It was quite a ritual.

 Emma and Kaity helpled out. Kaity was especially enthusiastic.

We decided to spend our evening over in Grand Haven (next post) ...

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