Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Games

Saturday, January 5:  THREE of four grandchildren came over today! I picked up Emma, Matt and Kaity at 3:30 and brought them over to my house for a little while. We learned some new card games today. I love to learn a new game, don't you?
 I bought a game of SPOONS, not realizing I could just play this game with any deck of cards I already owned, plus any spoons in the house--BUT, that's OK because it's alway nice to have a new deck of cards. This game can be played with 3 to 5 players. Kaity tried the "practice" game and then one real game with us, but she decided she did NOT like the game at all! So she drew me a window picture instead (above). It turned out very beautiful, Kaity-Girl! Thank you!
Earlier, I had played a game of "Tug of War" with just Kaity and I. It's a simplified version of "War," which is a total game of chance, completely. It turns out that the cards were in MY favor, so I won. Kaity didn't like that result very much at all. Pooh.

Emma taught us a VERY fun game called, "LIAR." I'd never heard of it and Matt had never played it before. It's a fast paced game and SO MUCH FUN. I hope we play it a lot in the future. I found it really interesting at WHO could fake everyone out, WHO could tell a lie with a completely straight face, etc. Of course, this was not REAL lying because I would not encourage that sort of thing EVER. This was just a game and it was very fun. Thanks, Emma, for teaching us!

Right as we were getting ready to leave my house, I realized I hadn't snapped a single picture during their visit, so I grabbed my camera and took a few real quick ...

I love these guys and I am very thankful for them.

Oh! Before I forget, our Bible story tonight was about Solomon and the building of the temple in Jerusalem. We talked about so many good things throughout the story and I learned some really interesting stuff while I studied this week. I went back to the prior week's lesson and carefully looked at when God appeared to Solomon in a dream and how He told Solomon that he could ask for anything and it would be granted. Solomon asked for two things: Wisdom to govern God's people with fairness, and also to know RIGHT from WRONG. We talked about justice, acting fairly with people, and how to know right from wrong. I've decided to pray for these things just like Solomon died. God answered Solomon's prayer--why wouldn't He answer ours if we asked for the same things? The children illustrated our story tonight and listened so well. I am reminded that the Bible says "faith comes by hearing, and hearing BY THE WORD OF GOD." (Romans 10.17) So, then, help me Lord to continue teaching Your Word. Please give us the gift of FAITH to see You, know You and live our lives FOR YOU.

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