Friday, May 10, 2019

Brendan, my heart

Wednesday, May 8:  No after-school appointments today for Brendan meant that I could pick him up at 3:00 and have a little extra cherished time with this dear child. No one reads this blog, so I am quite free to say what I like and KNOW that nothing will come of it! Perhaps one day when I am long gone, my grandchildren will have this record of my love for them ... and perhaps it will warm their hearts a little bit.
 Brendan was born as my fourth grandchild. At the time of his birth, my other three kiddos were very far removed from me--1600 miles away! I only got to see them 4x per year and wasn't ever able to access them by phone, Skype, Facetime, etc. It would take too long to explain why, and they WHY is of no consequence now ... 

Anyway, Brendan was born in February and I got to spend a lot of time with him 1-on-1, always a special treat. He took me into his little heart, as I did to him, and we had a really lovely bond. I understand that stuff happens as little children grow up, and their grandmas kind of drop off on the important list ... there is a lot that goes into the making of a child--I am happy really just to have a small, tiny part.

Brendan was an only-child for his first FIVE years. He really badly wanted to be a big brother. Aidan was born the month after his fifth birthday--happiness! Brendan has been a very good big brother too! The following year + a few months, baby Erin came on the scene. Brendan was very happy to see her, but I think it has been a big adjustment in his life to have TWO babies where there used to be just him. 
Brendan and Paco
With ALL the toys and gadgets I have in this house,
Brendan STILL wants to make a fort on my couch!
 Baby Erin is nearing a year old now. Her folks are amazing people, playing multiple roles, lacking sleep, exhausted, yet thankful and working hard for these small people gifted to them by God. My heart goes out to Brendan with adjusting to new glasses, some sensory issues, some focus struggles and I just want to take him in my arms (he does not permit such a thing) and hold him close and whisper love to him. Trust me, Brendan gets a lot of love from his folks and so many others too! But I still sense that his little heart is sad ...
Brendan eating one of the yummy
brownies Kaity mixed up last week!
So, I pray for you Brendan. I ask that the Lord God would do His work in your life. I ask that your heart would be HIS and that His will would be accomplished in and through you. Your grandma Carol loves you.

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