Sunday, December 8, 2019

Robin comes over

Saturday, December 7:  Our dear Robin came over after she was finished working this afternoon. Kaity was very excited to see her and whooped right out loud with JOY when I mentioned it to her earlier in the week. Robin is working part-time at Gordon's Foods and she offered to bring some pre-cut unbaked sugar cookies and gingerbread men for us to decorate together. This was super sweet of her! 
Kaity found the entire concoction finger-licking GOOD!
 We had a lot of fun decorating the cookies, but learned that it takes a LONG time to do each cookie. Kaity decorated a purple one for her mom and was very proud of it when she finished. She suggested that we decorate a cookie for each member of her family (which was quite thoughtful of her), so we got to work and accomplished the deed.
 Here are our finished cookies that are going home to Kaity's house tonight~
 A true friend is one who will actually PLAY with your grandchildren. Kaity suggested that she and Robin play Hedbanz while I clean up the kitchen. It was great listening and watching them do this game. I love that they played so well together.

Today was full of blessings. There really is nothing quite a precious as a good friend!

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