Tuesday, December 24, 2019

These precious little boys

Monday, December 23:  Brendan has no school today because of the Christmas break, so both he AND Aidan came over this afternoon to play for awhile.
 Aidan fell asleep on the ride over, and since it was such a nice sunny day, we let him take a little nappy outside in my car while we had a little 1-on-1 time. We put together our nativity puzzle ...
 ... and, of course, we played with dear Matey-Bird.

 Aren't these great pictures of Matey and Brendan?

 Brendan decided to read Matey a story by Mo Willem that I've checked out from the library the last few weeks: "I Will Surprise My Friend."
 Look how INTO it they both are!
 Matey was kind of trying to taste the pages ... which, naturally, we discouraged him from doing seeing that this is a borrowed book ...

 Brendan! I love you so much, sometimes I think my heart will burst from it!

 Our wee Aidan was fetched from the car about 30 minutes later--I was worried he might be cold in the car, but his little toes and face were toasty warm! I brought him inside where he immediately greeted Matey.
 Aidan is almost always cracking up ... Matey puts him over the edge quite often.
 Chocolate ice cream is another favorite of this little angel.

 Do we see the delight?

 Brendan and I played a few rounds of "Guess Who?" and each won a game.

Thank you, Lord, for helping me today to love on two very different little boys. Your strength is amazing--thanks for sharing with me.

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