Friday, May 8, 2020

May 7

Thursday:  I spent a few hours with my Kaity-Girl today ... she is one tough little cookie. I have long wished that I could wave a magic wand over this dear family of mine to make it healthier and happier. But there is no magic that can fix their situation. There is something much more powerful than that ... someONE who is very Awesome and loves them much more than I can even comprehend. So I ask my heavenly Father to do His work in every one of their hearts--HE is their only hope ... oh, but how my heart aches as I watch and wait ... and try very hard not to lose hope.
 Kaity is always happy to be here. She was pretty wound up today, and for the first hour kind of wandered around not knowing what to do with herself exactly. It's difficult to keep up with her sometimes and help her to settle on appropriate play. But yay for HotWheels tracks and cars. We always enjoy racing them, setting up obstacle courses, and finding our fastest cars.
We lured Matey in to play with us with his favorite straw ... yes, Matey continues to play with this green straw (I switch it up for a new straw every few days) ... he and Katey chased each other around the house with Katey leading the way holding his straw in her hand--he follows every time and lots of laughing happens.
 Katey finally agreed to do some painting with me, which is always a good thing. It gave me 15 minutes of subdued time with her and helped me catch my breath. We had been playing basketball and batting a balloon around in the main room and I was pretty tired out!
 Kaity really enjoys art and I am so glad about that. I think it helps her to focus and it quiets her heart a bit.
 I snapped these few pictures of Kaity and Matey just before leaving to go back to her house. 

There is a lot of love between these two ... thank you, Lord, for little birds and this dear granddaughter.

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