Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February 16 Callaghan is NINE months!

 Tuesday:  As of yesterday (the 15th), Gregory Callaghan is NINE months. He is crawling now full speed to wherever he wants to go. I was standing at his front door today and he was across the room, on the other side; but no problem, he just hustled on over to greet me.

Callaghan is a super sweet baby. He has a very ready laugh. He loves to be hung upside-down by his chubby feet. He is very friendly and also extremely cuddly. What is not to love about this dear child?
I KNOW, Callaghan! I think you are a keeper, for sure!
I love to look at your dear little face ... and those DEEP blue eyes!

I am a very blessed grandma! I love you, baby Callaghan!

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