Tuesday: I picked Brendan up this morning just after 11AM and we drove over to Mayflower to pick up the little kids from pre-school. They were waiting for us, sitting sweetly on the front steps to the church.
Erin goes to school TWO mornings per week and Aidan goes THREE mornings--Aidan is a year older than Erin. Both are now potty-trained (yes!) and so far, they absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE going to school.Here is the Beach House resident cat--Belle--washing her paws while watching out the window ...
The children were quite subdued today--which was welcomed, for sure! They were happy and busy and just a little less wound up than usual. Perhaps it's the whole school thing for the little ones that puts order in their day, along with following instructions at given times, etc. We had such a nice few hours together today and I was so much LESS tired. They really enjoy sitting around the table coloring and talking, looking at various books, and just making stuff.
I checked out a book from the library for Brendan--it is a National Geographic Kids book, "Temple Run." Evidently "Temple Run" is a video game in which a person travels through ancient worlds to reach a particular goal. The photographs and illustrations are really beautiful in the book and Brendan was truly taken with it for a very long time. He says he has actually played the game before. I got out a few of my own books about ancient places for Brendan to enjoy too.
Look at these two ... they are quite a pair ... very best of buddies ... they do everything together and this works very well for them actually. Erin is a tough little cookie, except she has a really BIG heart and gives in to Aidan quite a bit--always seems to be looking out for his interest instead of her own! I can't say that Aidan does the same for Erin, but I have noticed him being more gentle lately and not quite as bossy with her. She only takes it from him up to a point anyway, and then she lets him have it! But I will say it takes a lot to bring her to that point.
Brendan told me little bits about his trip to Austin, Texas with his mom and Callaghan. He loved traveling by airplane to and from--it was his first flight ever. I missed him last week!
Aidan drew all kinds of stuff for the longest time ... Erin was content to watch and listen to her brothers.
Here is curly-top blowing on my recorder while I had the piano on auto-play ... he was quite pleased.
We played and played today. The kids ate really well too. I love these guys so much. Treasures, all three of them!
We DID re-watch "American Tail" in the mid-afternoon and ate a bunch of popcorn while we were at it. At about 5PM we got ready to go and meet Dylan and Kelly over at the Fall Festival at Mayflower!
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