New Year's Eve: This past Sunday (12/29/24), we had an extended communion service to usher in the new year. Pastor Jim only gave a short devotional "encouragement" to us that was so impactful. As a church, we've been studying the book of Ecclesiastes (which is not an easy book to understand) since September. Solomon is the author, later in his life, and he gives a whole bunch of really discouraging insights to life. I remember this book being Grandpa Jim's favorite book in the Bible. I think Jim related to the realistic picture Solomon painted of life--how hopeless and meaningless it can be--the nothingness of existence on earth. But Solomon also saw sensible and wise conclusions to his mental dilemma of living too.
Ecclesiastes is included in Holy Scripture under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit--so it is good to respect it as such, even if it is difficult to understand. Pastor Jim has done a really good job teaching through it, stating that oftentimes we feel exactly the ways Solomon felt ... because life is difficult and sometimes really ugly. Solomon had a lot of complaints. Something that really bothered him was that "there was nothing new under the sun" and that everything had a monotonous rhythm of repeating itself to no one's advantage.
So Pastor Jim contrasted the "nothing new under the sun" thinking with the new life given to us IN Christ. We looked at 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Those who become Christians become NEW persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun." This is exactly what Jesus was saying to Nicodemus when they talked that night. Jesus told him that he had to be born again--that the Holy Spirit "gives new life from heaven."
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