Padre Island this morning
This is going to be a quick upload of a few pictures we took early this morning on the beach on Padre Island. When we were here last October, we got a prettier sunrise with pinks and rose colors ... but this morning, the cloud-cover was so complete, the wind so strong and the humidity so high, this was the view God painted for us ... and so we are thankful to have seen it, even though it was not spectacular.
I got a bit too close to the waves and salt water sprayed over my camera ... not good. So all of my first-morning pictures are ruined because my lens couldn't focus. So these first few pictures are from Mr. Jones. We went back to the hotel and he was able to clean off my lens so that later I was able to take some more pictures.
I don't care WHO takes a photo, just so long as it gets taken! Here are the waves crashing over the breakwater. I was going to go out to the end of this structure, but I would have been soaked!
I love the birds out here. There are tons of gulls, and lots and lots of pelicans too. We went back to the hotel and ate breakfast. I thought it was humerous that the waffle-maker would make Texas-shaped waffles ...
I ate the whole thing! And then ran back across the street to take more pictures. I haven't edited any of these and there are too many to show you right now, so I've just picked a few.
See the pelicans flying all in a line, like a ribbon blowing in the wind?
See how grey and overcast it is? The sun only peaked out for just a second or two for me and I tried to get it reflecting on the water ...
I walked all the way down to Bill Hall pier, which was closed last October. I was so excited because TODAY I was going to walk all the way to the end and take great pictures of the birds flying underneath me ... but it was not to be! When I climbed the ramp and got to the gate, they were charging admission, and I neglected to bring even a dime with me!
So I put my camera through the very tall fence and snapped a few pictures. This pier is about a mile away from our hotel and I was out of time to walk back, get the money, and come back.
This is our hotel ... see the van parked in front? We're on our way now to tour the USS Lexington, the aircraft carrier that is in the harbor at Corpus Christi. I've never been near an aircraft carrier before, so I'm excited to do this. Later tonight, we are driving up to Austin to be with Sabrina's family until Thursday when we go back to San Antonio to visit a bit with Nick. Saturday, we're going to meet Sabrina and family again at Sea World, and then return to Austin with them. I'll keep you posted along the way.
sweet waffle maker!
Beautiful pictures, Carol of the
trip and Padre Island. I say ditto
to Emily's comment.
I so want that waffle maker, lol.
Hi everybody! We thought that waffle was SO cool. Don says that Sparta Foundry (where he used to work) used to make the iron plate from which the Texas waffle shape was milled. They do not sell these waffle machines, but if you buy VERY LARGE quantities (restaurant quantities) of the flour/waffle mix, they give you the waffle makers for free to use with the mix. So it looks like we are all going to have to do without! :)
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